• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • My Precious,

    Nasty, tricksy apologies, we must give. Yes, yesss, we must, my precious. We’s been naughty, we has, with our previous letter about our precious game ‘Gollum.’ We’s sorry, oh yes, very, very sorry.

    Nasty, precious feedback we got, and we knows it’s true. We takes it back, oh yes, we does. We wants to make our precious ‘Gollum’ better, we does, for all the good players out there.

    We promises, my precious, to make it right. Changes and fixes, we’ll bring them, oh yes, we will. We’ll listen to our precious players and make it better, we will.

    Forgive us, my precious, for our earlier mistake. We didn’t mean to hurt you, no, not at all. We loves our precious players, we does, and we’ll make ‘Gollum’ shine, just for you.

    Thank you, my precious, for being patient. We’ll make it better, we swears.

  • Great idea for a post!

    -PDA? Yes- Handspring Visor. It was supposed to be the Palm killer (it did have some success, as I remember).

    -DVD-Recorder? No

    -WebTV? No, but my less tech savvy friend had one. Those seemed doomed to fail.

    -3D Television? Yes- spend way to much on two pairs of glasses that were used less than five time.

    -Raspberry PI? Yes, but haven’t done enough with it.

    -Internet Radio Player? No

    I also had some type of smart pen around 2001 that would transfer what you wrote onto the computer. I think you had to plug the top of the pen into a USB port. It was a large pen (probably the size width of 5-6 normal pens combined). I can’t find the name of it. I think you had to have a special notebook with it too.