• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • … Its totally fine to include a casino as a setting so long as interactive gambling is not a thing the player can do.

    Did you read the article or the actual government literature it links to and quotes from?

    Nothing is going to change about existing Mario game ratings.

    I’d say it would be outlandish for family friendly Nintendo to suddenly reverse course on general world cultural/legal perspectives and re introduce gambling games when they have not done so in years, the same years many countries have been cracking down on lootboxes/gambling in games for their target demo, kids.

    Finally, I didn’t downvote you. I only downvote people who are being exceptionally idiotic or abrasive or rude. I almost always prefer to engage with ideas or comments I take issue with but are not presented horrifically: the point of a discussion board should be discussion, not an internet points contest.

  • Now now, they innovated by turning Facebook from the way you could see what your friends were doing on your feed into algorithmically determining exactly which batshit insane ‘news’ stories from cranks and posts from crazy people would be the most effective rage bait to specifically you once they figured out that anger and rage are the most effective way to cause retention and engagement.

    They basically scientifically perfected trolling, and figured out how to monetize it.

    Sure it widely proliferated dangerous anti science nonsense, bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, fostered the Q Anon insanity mind plague and facilitated it going mainstream, but hey, hate sells.

  • Apologies for editing after you replied, I have a tendency of making a quick point and then expanding on it with an edit.

    Hard to copy and paste lots of shit on a shitty phone.

    But basically, its not a retroactive re rating of any game unless the game is patched to add in simulated gambling or loot boxes.

    While sure, Mario Party 3 has simulated gambling minigames, I doubt its getting patched any time soon, and the upcoming Super Mario Party Jamboree does not appear to have any mini games simulating a casino type game.

    EDIT: sorry for another edit lol, but yes, I do think its stupid that a poker minigame with in game currency only, which cannot be purchased or redeemed for real currency, is rated worse than a game with lootboxes.

  • … I’m sorry, what?

    Do … does any Mario Party game even have microtransactions? You know, specific game content unlocked by an additional purchase with real world currency? Much less ones where the outcome of a purchase is substantially randomized?


    Games that feature “simulated gambling,” such as casino games, will be legally restricted to adults aged 18 and over with a minimum classification of ‘R 18+.’ Projects that were classified before September 22 won’t need to be reclassified unless they lose their current rating due to “revocation or modification.”

    This sounds like it isn’t a retroactive change, its a going forward change. It’s explained further in the actual guidelines:

    Situations where video games may require reclassification Video games that were classified prior to 22 September 2024, but add in-game purchases linked to elements of chance or simulated gambling content may require reclassification if adding this content is likely to affect the classification of the game. For example: – video games classified G or PG that add in-game purchases linked to elements of chance after 22 September 2024 are likely to require reclassification – video games classified G, PG, M or MA 15+ that add simulated gambling content after 22 September 2024 are likely to require reclassification

    So… yeah, Mario Party games would have to be patched or re released or something to add more gambling content.

    It does seem to indicate that, going forward, a Mario Party game that simulates casino like gambling would get an R 18+ rating, but the Mario Party franchise does not seem to me to have had any minigames that even sort of resemble a casino type game, even with neutered or non existent betting/staking mechanics, in about a decade.

    The upcoming Super Mario Jamboree, though public info on the minigames is incomplete, also does not appear to depict any casino like games.

  • This has utility as a reverse turing test.

    Seriously, get 1000 people, do a double blind experiment where they get a remotely controlled phone, tell them they’re part of a market research project for a new social network.

    Have one group always in real new social media app one group always in fake new social media app, another group that starts in real, switches to fake, visa versa.

    Mandate they all have to post something 3 times a day and view the app for 2 hours a day, run this for a month or two, then explain the actual experiment to them and question them as to which app version they thought they were in at what point time.

    The ‘real’ app has real people and no bots, the ‘fake’ app has just the isolated user talking to bots, and when you switch one group from real to fake, well the ai was training on the real people and now attempts to emulate them in the solipsism mode to keep up the illusion, and for switching from fake to real, just match what were bots to their LLM nearest real person, but keep giving the now real people the already established bot names.

    All of the versions have a variety of seeding from news sources to kick off discussions.

    Something like that, this isn’t a totally exhaustive experiment design, but something like this might show whether or not people can even tell when they are or are not talking to bots.

  • So I wasn’t there for 2042. I don’t know what the rationale was, but for me, it’s like the team tried something new.

    The rationale was to make a 128 player battle royale ala PUBG or Fortnite. You know, shameless trend chasing!

    It was supposed to basically be a spin off, non mainline BF game with the potential to be the next big thing while the next mainline game was being produced, but that only works if BF5 has staying power.

    Which it did not.


    So then BF2042 got massively reworked in a tiny amount of time to try to make it into a mainline series game by throwing a ton more developers at it than originally planned, ending up as a rushed, buggy, undercooked mess with tons of crap (half baked half reworked game modes) thrown at the wall to see what stuck.

    That is why distinct armies were replaced with a cadre of mercenaries, as well as the entire 2042 timeframe setting in a world where nation states had basically collapsed already.

    It is also why the maps are gigantic and seem like they were designed for a battle royale.

    I’m guessing also their original plan was to have the much hyped dynamic weather systems serve a similar function as the the closing force fields or bubbles of death that battle royale’s have to force players into conflict and games to eventually end, but they couldn’t actually figure out how to make that work.

    Any questions Vince?

  • Well, I’d say 100k to 300k qualifies as more money than I’ve ever made in a single year of my life, more than I’ve made in my entire life if we go closer to 300k…

    But what I meant was that the ultimate hiring process is dictated, signed off on or altered, all the way down, by the wealth holding members of society. The top execs, the board.

    And that the society created, and largely owned, by their policies is essentially gaslighting us every day.

    Have you ever spent an entire year applying to jobs… as a full time job? After having had a career, losing it to a disability, then trying to go back after years of recovery?

    With maybe one reply every few months, despite being qualified for everything you are applying to?

    Becoming depressed as everyone around you spends the first month giving you mindless cheery platitudes, then forgetting you exist, then becoming angry when you tell them you can’t afford to do anything that involves money?

    Then when you finally cave and go work some bullshit job you are immensely overqualified for, everyone blames you for not living up to your potential?

    They made it, it worked out for them, why didn’t it work out for you?

    Even though it never once occured to them to maybe help you out monetarily and avoid going into massive debt, or by putting in a good word for you with their network of contacts.

  • Millennial here: I think what Gen X and Boomer authors mean when they say ‘GenZ is more tech savvy’ is basically just that they use social media apps on phones and play video games, and that more of their culture derives from such things.

    Maybe tech-immersed would be a better term.

    As far as actual tech competency goes?

    Yeah I agree with you. Phones and apps are generally reliable enough now that there’s far less need to figure out anything under the hood, unlike in my day where you kind of had to learn more about a system to do what is now common, and you had to type on a keyboard.

  • I mean yes, initially it is risky, but perhaps a contract was signed, or perhaps the oyster owner owns so many that he sells to local restaurants or market vendors that he figures worst that happens is i lose 2% of my regular oyster haul, best that happens i make a bit more money off of that 2%.

    If I am not mistaken the actual episode(s?) where Arya does the oyster selling show a relationship between her and whoever she’s getting the oysters from.

    As far as real world examples: anyone who has ever been hired to drive a cart or wagon or car could just attempt to make off with the vehicle and/or its belongings…

  • Except even more practical and simple to produce/distribute in that … its a coastal town with a good deal of fishing and aquaculture and whatnot going on.

    Arya would just have to go to the docks, find somebody with a huge bag of oysters and say hey, gimme a cart, i’ll go roam around and sell these before they spoil, you keep 80 or 90% of the money when i come back with the empty cart.

    In that sense its basically a farmers market: extremely local goods.

    Modern hot dogs have to be manufactured in a factory and then sold to a hot dog stand operator, shipped halfway across the country or world.