cross-posted from:

This is just for me to let you guys know about Moe’s Finale. I’ve been posting this comic on behalf of the creator on Reddit, but I hadn’t posted it here for you guys to view. I have separated each issue of the comic out in links below, so you can go issue by issue. If you are still on reddit and you like this comic, I’d recommend following the comic on the r/moesfinale subreddit.

Issues 1 & 2

Issues 3 & 4

Issues 5 & 6

Issue 7

Issues 8 & 9

Issues 10 & 11

Issue 12

Issues 13 & 14

Issue 15

Issues 16 & 17

Issue 18

Issue 19 (The current Issue)

  • ryuundo@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Kiddie has explained this further with people in relation to what happened in issue 18. As I mentioned, it was made when she was 18-19, so she had some strong opinions on the subject matter that have moreso mellowed out with time. Also, it is trying to show the hyperbole of Springfield as a place where Moe cannot easily find help.

    Although, A bunch of the quotes mentioned in that sequence came from people she knows in relation to trying to find mental health services for men, so there is a grounding in reality there.