It’s possible, but a huge PITA. Learning how to do it, that is. Once you know all the magic incantations and have your potions and elixirs available, it’s easy enough.
Most of the “how to” guides don’t mention all the little crap you need to know so it takes a lot of trolling through forums to find why this next step isn’t working.
I have a galaxy phone but haven’t pursued the idea of installing grapheneOS on it as I thought it would be impossible. Please share you arcane knowledge of the unholy incarnations.
I thought it wasnt even possible on a galaxy
It’s possible, but a huge PITA. Learning how to do it, that is. Once you know all the magic incantations and have your potions and elixirs available, it’s easy enough.
Most of the “how to” guides don’t mention all the little crap you need to know so it takes a lot of trolling through forums to find why this next step isn’t working.
How does GrapheneOS play with folding phones? Nicely?
Probably as well as any other stock Android ROM, because that’s all it is, plus a few security patches on top.
I have a galaxy phone but haven’t pursued the idea of installing grapheneOS on it as I thought it would be impossible. Please share you arcane knowledge of the unholy incarnations.