Bit of a marathon session today in the wood shop finishing a computer stand I’m building for my father. Did most of the construction of a drawer box. Had to do some tuning on my dovetail jig, it’s not as definite as I’d like it to be, but the drawer box turned out okay.

Worked up some fatigue, my cat Izzy helped me take a nap on the couch. If you don’t have an air purrifier, I highly recommend one.

Woke up hungry, made a stir fry. Still missing a tooth so a stir fry is a great way to get an actual hot nutritious meal in me. Thoroughly enjoyed it, too.

    9 days ago

    Been doing a lot of work on our house, and finally got a couple of air purifiers. Wish I’d done it sooner! For the first few days of running it I had to vaccuum out the filters daily because they were visibly coated in small wood fibre filaments and other dust, but now they are running regularly and the air quality is so much better, and the blocked noses and sneezing so much less.