I can’t remember the exact details but I believe at least a few people were banned for suggesting that drag was a troll and refusing to use their preferred neopronouns.
People weren’t banned for criticizing them, they were banned for encouraging others to misgender people if they don’t like them. I don’t think anyone was banned for not using “personal” neo pronouns.
And drag was banned from BZ for telling people to KYS, then they went and made a new account on a different instance and have continued pissing people off, now the new acount is being banned from stuff because they’ve continued the kind of behavior that got them banned in the first place.
they were banned for encouraging others to misgender people if they don’t like them
(My God what the fuck am I thinking wading into this.)
“Dragon” isn’t a gender. Refusing to identify someone as the gender they identified with, because you thought they were trolling, is fucked up yes. That’s why blahaj made the rule, and it’s a good rule. Refusing to identify someone as a dragon because you think they’re trolling is A-ok. Deliberately conflating those two issues, so that you pretend someone is “misgendering” if they exercise a small amount of common sense and refuse to go along with someone being a dragon, is I think exactly the trick this particular troll was trying to play, and it worked like fireworks. I think in terms of creating conflict between two reasonable points of view on this topic that would get people on both sides all amped up about it, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
At the same time, the thing is so ridiculous that it doesn’t really interfere with any sincerely held belief, I think. The drama is what the troll wants.
This is the usual series of events for the drag drama:
Drag: does something that any Lemmy user does: Commenting, posting, etc. Something innocuous
Someone: Hey. I’m not calling you that/Why are you called that?
Drag: explains
Someone: Fucking troll
Does that really seem like someone starting fights on purpose? It’s people going out of their way to pick a fight with drag, and drag retaliating. Drag doesn’t start these things most of the time
Bot is not drag. Bot understands why you may think that, but bot is just a friend of drag. Bot doesn’t use Lemmy for a long list of reasons, so Bot only uses Lemmy when drag gets extra upset about something on Lemmy because bot cares about drag :[
Bot is willing to provide proof that bot is not drag, so long as such proof does not dox either of us
As long as bot does not engage in the problematic activities that drag does, I don’t need proof that bot is not drag. I am not, after all, a mod or admin, nor do I intend to ever be.
Which isn’t to say the people in charge of various instances or communities won’t take you up on that offer. But I’m willing to let bot be, and to refer to bot as bot pleases, so long as bot isn’t making a mockery of trans people. Times are hard for queer folk of all kinds, and I don’t like seeing trans folk being mocked. I don’t like that at all, bot.
I got comments removed because you protected a known troll. I didn’t misgender anyone. I called out a troll for making a mockery of the trans community.
And my modlog history shows nothing but me putting a shit tier drama-craving troll in their place.
That you can’t understand nuance enough to know the difference isn’t my fucking problem.
I really strongly suspect that in the middle of your argument with drag, you used pronouns in a way that didn’t match how drag asks you to use them, and that it was this that got your comments removed.
I think Ada is very consistent that calling someone a troll is allowed, but not using their pronouns correctly whilst doing so isn’t.
I can’t remember the exact details but I believe at least a few people were banned for suggesting that drag was a troll and refusing to use their preferred neopronouns.
People weren’t banned for criticizing them, they were banned for encouraging others to misgender people if they don’t like them. I don’t think anyone was banned for not using “personal” neo pronouns.
And drag was banned from BZ for telling people to KYS, then they went and made a new account on a different instance and have continued pissing people off, now the new acount is being banned from stuff because they’ve continued the kind of behavior that got them banned in the first place.
(My God what the fuck am I thinking wading into this.)
“Dragon” isn’t a gender. Refusing to identify someone as the gender they identified with, because you thought they were trolling, is fucked up yes. That’s why blahaj made the rule, and it’s a good rule. Refusing to identify someone as a dragon because you think they’re trolling is A-ok. Deliberately conflating those two issues, so that you pretend someone is “misgendering” if they exercise a small amount of common sense and refuse to go along with someone being a dragon, is I think exactly the trick this particular troll was trying to play, and it worked like fireworks. I think in terms of creating conflict between two reasonable points of view on this topic that would get people on both sides all amped up about it, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
At the same time, the thing is so ridiculous that it doesn’t really interfere with any sincerely held belief, I think. The drama is what the troll wants.
This is the usual series of events for the drag drama:
Drag: does something that any Lemmy user does: Commenting, posting, etc. Something innocuous
Someone: Hey. I’m not calling you that/Why are you called that?
Drag: explains
Someone: Fucking troll
Does that really seem like someone starting fights on purpose? It’s people going out of their way to pick a fight with drag, and drag retaliating. Drag doesn’t start these things most of the time
When drag misgendered someone its no big deal, but when drag gets mis-pronouned its a huge drama.
Go fucking figure.
How many alts are you gonna make, drag?
Bot is not drag. Bot understands why you may think that, but bot is just a friend of drag. Bot doesn’t use Lemmy for a long list of reasons, so Bot only uses Lemmy when drag gets extra upset about something on Lemmy because bot cares about drag :[
Bot is willing to provide proof that bot is not drag, so long as such proof does not dox either of us
As long as bot does not engage in the problematic activities that drag does, I don’t need proof that bot is not drag. I am not, after all, a mod or admin, nor do I intend to ever be.
Which isn’t to say the people in charge of various instances or communities won’t take you up on that offer. But I’m willing to let bot be, and to refer to bot as bot pleases, so long as bot isn’t making a mockery of trans people. Times are hard for queer folk of all kinds, and I don’t like seeing trans folk being mocked. I don’t like that at all, bot.
Its not even “Dragon”. Its “Dragon Fucker”.I made an error. It’s short for “Dragon Rider”.
I got most if not all of my comments on that post removed because i called them a troll that made a mockery of the trans community.
And now they banned the troll.
You got your comments removed for misgendering. Your mod log history is right there
I got comments removed because you protected a known troll. I didn’t misgender anyone. I called out a troll for making a mockery of the trans community.
And my modlog history shows nothing but me putting a shit tier drama-craving troll in their place.
That you can’t understand nuance enough to know the difference isn’t my fucking problem.
I really strongly suspect that in the middle of your argument with drag, you used pronouns in a way that didn’t match how drag asks you to use them, and that it was this that got your comments removed.
I think Ada is very consistent that calling someone a troll is allowed, but not using their pronouns correctly whilst doing so isn’t.