The guy on the grounds clothes or something likely are supposed to indicate who he is but for me the only thing that made it clear is the nazi (I keep on thinging there is a t in that) flag he seemed to have dropped form the initial push.
The guy on the grounds clothes or something likely are supposed to indicate who he is but for me the only thing that made it clear is the nazi (I keep on thinging there is a t in that) flag he seemed to have dropped form the initial push.
And what of the
young people with green hair wearing a million pouches, a bulletproof vest, gothic combat boots, and a face-concealing gas masktactical cybergoths?Which fantasy book is that from?
The wonderful world of real life fashion movements.
Techwear is beautiful. And I can’t help seeing something queer in the design language.
If you didn’t lead with the fact that they have green hair I might have taken this question seriously
Well excuse me for thinking coloured hair is cool.
I apologize for misunderstanding, but it definitely read as a conservative person whining about the youth being weird.
Cybergoths are to be respected
That’s because you neglected the conversational context. The prior comments were calling people with tacticool clothes right wing weirdos. I was using language that implied a contrast.
Ya I already admitted I made a mistake thank you