So, I’m staying with #Firefox, even though their CEO is tone-deaf and clumsy and destroying #Mozilla’s reputation because today I had to remove 6 extensions in #Vivaldi (my sometimes alternate browser), several of which were security-related, because of Google’s changes. I miss them. I want them back.
Bottom line. I definitely feel more secure using Firefox than a Chrome-based browser, and I won’t let my disappointment with Mozilla kill off the only alternative to Google. I will continue using Firefox.
As far as using a fork of Firefox, if Firefox doesn’t live on, neither will these forks.
That’s because the W3C was focused on XHTML 2 at the time, which nobody outside of the W3C actually wanted. So any proposed amendments to HTML 4 was met with “But we’ll have XHTML 2 soon!”
I’m skeptical of claims from browser makers that the spec process wasn’t moving “fast enough”, since it’s not like they actually implemented it fully anyway.