This community is clearly a continuation of r/AmItheAsshole subreddit. People seem to take it for granted that people know this and understand the basic concepts. However, new people will come, some of whom have not seen the original subreddit. For those people there’s no explanation as to what’s going on here.
Here I explain the basic concepts and initialisms for the new users (basically what’s missing from the sidebar). Below I encourage a discussion on whether this should continue.
- AITA – Am I The Asshole…?
- WIBTA – Would I Be The Asshole…?
- YTA – You’re The Asshole
- NTA – [You’re] Not The Asshole
- NAH – No Assholes Here
- ESH – Everyone Sucks Here
On the original subreddit there was a bot which, after certain time, would highlight the most upvoted response and there was a subreddit-exclusive karma system.
But, should this community really follow the old subreddit’s ways? Since this is a fresh start, perhaps it’s the right time to discuss and rethink whether the system is right. I give you no right answer, it’s an open question.
Edit Aug 2023: As I recently became a moderator of this community, this post is now partly outdated. I’m leaving it here for archival purposes and for future reference regarding users’ feelings about a potential vote tally system.