Each one of these costs more than the building itself
I do lab planning for a living and sometimes I like to play “How Many Houses Could This Instrument Buy?” with my coworkers. Usually it’s something along the lines of 0.1 to 1 houses, but every once in a while we do a process development lab for some biotech firm, and they want to spring for one of those Satorious automated bioreactors. Those things cost “a whole block’s worth of nice houses in a mid-major metro” money.
Have you thought about maybe adding windows and RGB lighting to them?
Does win XP and x-ray/uv/florescence count? That’s already on there.
Ah, but this one goes BEEP.
The whole skit is brilliant, really ahead of its time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQPIdZvoV4g
Oh my god they made Industrialcraft real!