The future of rock n roll
$ alias please="sudo"
$ alias stay="shutdown"
$ please stay_
Legit question: Why would someone want to disable Gemini?
Yeah, I’m being silly.
Isn’t a counterexample just one datum? Even though its only one case, it’s still science.
Isn’t a counterexample just da tomb? Even though its only won case-a-dilla, it’s still le sahyênçe.
I don’t get it. What is that?
Edit: For those that don’t know, they are referencing a meme . If you don’t know the meme, you probably won’t find it funny.
And it must have absolute privacy. Run everything on the phone like a phone carrier and server combined.
Congrats! I’m excited to see your upcoming posts on distro hopping.
Fine, I’ll install Arch (btw). You can stop trying to convince me now.
There are some apps that can do a lot of that already, so it might be worth checking them out to save some money. The bike computer is gonna be more convenient and specialized tho.
They would still have to go through that ridiculous install following the Wiki, so I think that they are be pretty well educated on updates.
Tells you the speed the bike is going, revolutions of the pedals, your heart rate, etc.
They first started off by placing a little magnet on a spoke of a tire, a sensor on the frame, and entering the diameter of the tires into the computer. Each revolution (pass of the magnet) would indicate that distance traveled in the time of the revolution, so it could tell you your current speed, average speed, and distance. New ones are much more fancy with maps, pre-planned routes, elevation, hear rate, etc.
He’s mostly music, but has a bunch of cool interesting side videos on topics I find interesting but would never think of that are well-researched and hinged.
Feel free to download this badass ram
There’s no way you’re so new to Linux that you wouldn’t know if that would update automatically yet you’re running Arch btw. That’s like saying, “Do I need to do oil changes on my car? I built my engine, btw.”
It has been my experience that the best persona to use at work is one of no humanity. Be a corporate robot. When you walk in those doors, kill any sense of emotion. Look at everything logically. Make no friends. Focus on the tasks that your performance is measured. Leave no room for misinterpretation.
Most people are cool, but some are hunting for opportunities. Don’t give those people any opportunities.
I think that what happened with the Boeing 737-MAX crashing was that they had a sensor that if it got stuck, the software was programed to make the plane pitch down, even overriding the pilot’s own input. That resulted in the deaths of 346 people.
If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going.
Who did?
And, how can you tell it was sharpened from the picture? Usually, when I’ve seen sharpened knives, the cutting edge has scratch marks perpendicular to the blade and is wider than normal from being grinded into a longer slant.
We’d have a quasi-planet.