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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I always apologize to the server when I am checking out and opt for a custom 10% tip or none at all. It is not their fault the company they work for feels it has no responsibility to pay for them. I explain this and sadly shrug. My company is not paying me enough either and I cannot afford to subsidize some other company. They usually smile and nod. It is unfortunate.

  • Not that I know of. In the end you are editing the browser rendering parameters. Anyone can inspect the page and see that the opacity on the page is being turned down. Finding where it is happening is the only thing you can really make hard. Have a couple of the pass through scripts be machine generated and you can have it use nonsensical variable names and a bunch of dummies that lead on wild goose chases. It could all be fixable, but you can make it a pain in the ass. Add a redundancy or two and it will make debugging a nightmare because even if one is fixed, the others will make it look as though it has not.

    The real answer is to have NEVER do freelance web development inside the client’s firewall. Never. If they try to require it, walk away. If it is inside their firewall then they can just take the source code and stiff you. If they try to spout some BS about security, say that is precisely what you are concerned about and point blank ask them what safeguards they are willing to allow you to put in place for developing in their system. If the answer is none, walk. If they are willing to let you VPN in, run the code from a local copy over the VPN and node lock it so if someone attempts to serve it from another machine it fails.

    Apologies. I’m tired and hate businesses taking advantage of “Independent Contractors”.

  • Ankylosaurs please. Give me an armor plated tank with a built in beat stick that could knock a midsized car several feet with a single swing.

    If we are going ancient life in general I will always pick Dunkleosteus. A swimming arrangement of thick bone plates the size of a medium bus with a set of Jaws of Life (Death?) for a mouth. The damn thing could slice through or crush literally anything in the ancient oceans and shallow seas. If it weren’t for the Hangenberg event Sharks and Orca would definitely be having some competition.