I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Because Ubuntu sucks! 👎 Here’s a list of why:

    • Snaps = 👹

    • Ads in start menu (they did this before Winblows!)

    • Unity is sooo fucking slow and stupid. That dumbass bar of most used apps always present taking up screen space 🙉

    • Canonical doesn’t give a shit what users want🖕

    But the most important part is that I really don’t care. I don’t use your computer. You do. So use whatever the 🔥hell🔥 you want. Use a version of Winblows 🪟 themed to look like Arch 🤭, wallpaper and all👌, then post screenshots on the Internet about your superiority 💪.

    Live how you want! And if someone shames you for it, kick them out of you life 😎

  • Latinoamérica is all Spanish, Portuguese, and French speaking countries in the Americas plus Puerto Rico. Quebec, Louisiana, and Miami are not part of Latinoamérica. Latinoamérican ethnicity is anyone whose culture comes from Latinoamérica. Examples:

    • People born in Miami aren’t Latino. However, if they were raised in a Latino family, then yes.

    • A person born in Puerto Rico to an Anglo-Saxon family that rarely if ever socialized with the local population wouldn’t be Latino.

    • A person born in Australia to Mexican parents and raised with Mexican culture would be Latino.

    • A person born in Mexico to an Australian family that acculturated and integrated to the local culture would be Latino.

    • A person born and raised in Spain as Spanish is not Latino.

    • French-Canadians are generally not considered Latino because they have been culturally isolated from Latinoamérica.

    • A person born in Ancient Rome would not have been Latino even if they spoke Latin.

  • This makes sense given the popular knowledge at the time. The reason Columbus set sail wasn’t because he was a genius that knew the Earth was round when everyone else didn’t. We knew the Earth was round since antiquity. I can’t remember who1, but some ancient Greek had calculated the circumference of the Earth using the angle of a shadow, distance to a equinox solstice, and simple trigonometry. They guy was less than 5% off with his rudimentary calculation, which is impressive considering that he paid some dude to measure the distance between two towns by walking it. Anyways, the Western Europeans thought that Japan was farther east, somewhere around where the words “Terra florida” are on this map if I recall correctly from memory. When the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Marimba (party boat! jk, it was Santa Maria named after the “virgin”) landed on the most beautiful land that human eyes had ever seen, they knew they hadn’t landed on Zipangri/Cipangu/Japan. Instead, they thought they had landed on some island off of India, which is why they called the locals “Indios” (Indians). Anyways part 2, they thought that Japan was much further east than it was. I imagine that since they hadn’t found it for this map yet, they though it must be right out of sight of the western coast of North Vespucci (America).

    What I’m curious about is that 7448 inflating archipelago. Anyone have an idea on what that’s about?

    1: The dude was Eratosthenes. Thanks, @user134450@feddit.org!