Agreed, APA is the most sensible and straightforward generally.
I will always have a soft spot for Turrabian though since it was what my undergraduate history dept used and I lived it when I was writing my thesis.
Agreed, APA is the most sensible and straightforward generally.
I will always have a soft spot for Turrabian though since it was what my undergraduate history dept used and I lived it when I was writing my thesis.
Yeah, I was trying to be careful with my comment not to imply the reason for secession was “states rights” since there are still plenty of idiots who are happy to bang that drum.
They didn’t secede because they were told to stop slavery. They seceded because it looked that the national consensus was moving against the expansion of slavery to new states and territories, which would have limited slave states overall power in the long run.
They were very explicit that they were leaving to protect slavery as an institution, but to be fair nobody in power was threatening to abolish it when they did so.
They have to get usable at some point, but I got tired of the (shitty off-brand) smart watch I had after a couple minutes. I replaced it with a fully analog Seiko watch and a fitness tracker ring.
Way easier to manage and still meets the needs addressed by the smart watch.
I think I have seen Central America referred to as a sub continent, but that doesn’t really make sense other than to create a formal differentiation between them and USA/Canada.
The one good thing that W did was the do not call registry, that worked for a while at least.
Cardinals are great, that are really pretty birds that are common enough that you can probably spot one daily in most parts of the US is you take a walk.