So what you’re saying is that it was an evolution of stuff already on the market. I mean the iPhone didn’t even have apps when it came out
So what you’re saying is that it was an evolution of stuff already on the market. I mean the iPhone didn’t even have apps when it came out
No dude, there were already symbian touchscreen devices on the market
Not for anyone that knew about mobiles…
because now it’s in the hands of one party instead of the other one
“we cannot do layoffs, it looks bad! How can we fire people easily???”
Buying into Microsoft’s word is like buying into Google’s: if it’s not in the product, it won’t be coming. I got burnt by wp7->wp8 and then again when they closed wp8 without reason. I’m not counting on them staying on the smartphone market long enough to establish themselves.
I mean he convinced his daughter to hate him and he switched side when the sexual predator stuff came out…
Yeah what’s up with that? At my mom’s place they just took the dish down and gave her an internet box. Isn’t that a lot of bandwidth wasted?
Coincidentally there is no use case for blockchain a part from crypto…
Thanks melon usk for his delaying tactic of proposing the “hyperloop”. That’s 20 years lost.
For me it was Google reader. And after that when they killed wave
With Boeing recent history I wouldn’t be surprised if they chose the shittyest stuff to complement their airframe and electronic and avionics
How is Boeing still allowed to operate is a mystery to me
I mean multithreading is hard
AWS works sometimes. It’s a horrible hodgepodge of half baked stuff that doesn’t make sense. Source: I was fighting with it for two years. Now I’m in an even worse place with Azure. I’m pushing for moving everything in house.
Yeah like AWS was Bezos’ own invention, right? It’s the only thing that brings money in. His idea of the webshop failed miserably and was financed by friends
I Say they should get fucked. I don’t see why somebody 's bad investment is my problem.
Dude a Nokia with Symbian was a smartphone… and that was in a couple of years before the iPhone was even being designed…
No idea, iPhone fanatics act like smartphones and apps didn’t exist before the iPhone… I mean maybe the idea of central app store that forbids installation of applications from other sources?
They were called applications or programs… the big innovation was the walled garden store only from which you can install programs. Before that you went to the software developer 's website and downloaded the package