Cool, now I know how to call my spaceship in the next space game I’m gonna play.
Cool, now I know how to call my spaceship in the next space game I’m gonna play.
I just upgraded Alan Wake 2 to play the expansions, which are AWEsome. I played all expansions for Alan Wake and Control as well and enjoyed them a lot. Remedy is one of the few developers that I would play a game from on day one or even preorder. Bethesda, not so much. I can still remember being unable to play Skyrim for months on PS3.
I call bullshit on that one. Santa is red and white because Coca Cola drabbed him in their colors for a marketing campaign and it catched on. Before that Santa was usually portrayed in white and green.
Or giving them Long Covid at some point. There is a chance of getting it with each new infection, much larger when not vaccinated. And each infection can also shave off a few IQ points.
For what it’s worth, even the bad reviews agree that it’s bug-free and feature-complete at launch. It also seems to be at least competent as an action RPG, although not doing anything new with the genre. Where opinions wildly diverge is whether it’s a good Bioware and more specifically Dragon Age game.
I know he’s a huge comicbook nerd (he owned an Action Comics #1 for a while), but it’s really cool that he reprises the role in live action. Now hopefully this will land on the good side of his ouvre.
But with the track record of live action Sony Spiderman movies, I remain sceptical.
“Hitler went to jail after the beer putsch! He has learned his lesson!”
Also likely a member of the KKK.
And making it sickingly sexual.
The biopic? It’s good. Not as funny as it could have been, but Radcliffe is amazing and you learn many interesting facts about Al (like the steamy relationship with Madonna).
“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern…Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”
George Orwell, 1984
PVOD is such a stupid rip-off. It’s basically just making sure the good quality pirated version gets out before the movie is available for a reasonable renting price.
Oh, nice! Definitely one of his better late novels. I guess Clint Eastwood is too old now to play Howard. Hm, maybe Sam Elliot?
I mean he also made the first one that made a billion.
Which each of these cancelations I get closer to getting rid of Netflix. Only rewatching library content like Bojack Horseman keeps me renewing rn.
Which tend to be conservative socially.
The probably pounced on their prey though when they were sure they would catch them.
Sounds like more “toxic positivity”.
So, we don’t have any place left in the party for Glorfindel. But he mainly knows how to slay Balrogs and what are the chances we’re going to meet one of those?