• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • In my mind, it’s really just entitlement. Something along the lines of, “well, I don’t know the answer and why should I have to know if someone else is going to figure it out.”

    In a tired way, I understand it. Everyday I just want some of my time back for myself. If I’m always the one who has to work through all the problems for my ideas just to be ignored then I’m just going to be perpetually frustrated. So if my ideas are half baked and the solutions i barf up aren’t to your liking, well, figure it out yourself.

    Not to say that I am this way. I don’t get frustrated when my ideas are ignored. I do get frustrated, though, when others eat up half baked ideas knowing they are just that.

    Sorry, if what I’ve wrote so far has gotten a bit confusing. I’ll wrap it up and say, it’s entitlement. People don’t want to think for themselves because it’s time consuming. They think the world should order itself in a way that fulfills their needs with minimal effort on their part. Except, to understand how the world would be ordered for that to be reality, they can’t comprehend because no one has really figured that one out. So they fall back on god and gods an easy out because, duh, he’s god.

  • I’m more just world building here then actually plotting a path to this utopia. Societal needs will always push their way forward but I think there is a level of misappropriation of resources and around education.

    The world kind of builds itself, honestly, though.

    If society made education our ultimate pursuit answering unanswered questions would be what it’s all about. Who would teach them? The people who never leave the system, of course. What if they aren’t good teachers? Not every teacher is suited for every student. Structuring classes can be based on learning competencies. Teacher involvement can be based on learning competencies. Ok, but someone needs to run society. Well, we have a population of highly educated individuals.

    I think, the more we break down this thought experiment we find that this is actually the natural order. No, not in the form of academia but in the form, what is it called, anthropology? Think to your friend group. Friend groups succeed when they have a unified task. Because each contributor has their own set of experiences each provides new information for the rest.

    I don’t know. Thanks for humoring me.