• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Id like to remind everyone the feds bailed out fucking cruise ships

    Are you sure about that?

    Also would you support our tax dollars going to cruise ships and/or people like Elon Musk just so that you can buy a brand new car? Why does everyone suddenly think new cars should be affordable for everyone in the country? I make decent money and always buy used because buying new is a losing proposition most of the time.

    China isn’t trying to save the environment or stop climate change. This is 100% about undercutting the market and putting everyone else out of business so that everyone is reliant on them. They do this all the time in numerous industries. This is the same tactic that US companies like Walmart and Disney do to destroy their competitors too. People like you either refuse to see through the ploy or haven’t experienced it enough times to see it coming.

  • I’m currently running mine on Windows and use SnapRAID and DrivePool as my defense against drive failures. I think I have 7 data drives and 2 parity at this point (totalling around 90TB). Beyond that I copy the Snapraid whatchamacallit to a separate backup drive along with my OS drive. This isn’t really a ‘backup’ but in the scenario where I have several failures and no way to restore, I still have radarr/sonarr keeping track of my library and a membership to several private trackers.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about losing media files as most can just be downloaded again. I find it more beneficial to make use of all the storage space you can rather than trying to do a 1:1 backup, which gets pretty absurd once you start getting up there in movie/TV count.

  • I don’t think people care about the nudity as much as they care about the intent behind the nudity. Streamers seem to be edging as close to the line of porn as they can in order to gain views and money. This isn’t someone simply walking around a beach without a top on.

    I don’t care if people want to fingerbang or jack themselves on cam while playing Zelda, but don’t fucking blend it in and recommend it to people on a site specifically designed for children. That’s what turns it from “someone seeking it out on their own” (as with the availability of porn on the rest of the internet) to “let’s shove it in your face to boost our quarterly profits during an economic slump.” People can claim that this all should be prevented by rules and tags but let’s be real people are going to do whatever they can to skirt the rules and standout from the crowd and no human being is actually going to be moderating any of this just like with YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or any other similar site.