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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I’s often just carnal desire which results in the death of something to the tune of ~80 billion (with a “B”) animals every year that didn’t really need to be slaughtered.

    I’m genuinely curious: what’s the vegans’ answer to the question of “what happens to the cattle and other livestock if everyone on the planet turned vegan tomorrow?”. It’s not like they can just be let loose…

    Realistically the amount of livestock is not sustainable and they’d need to be culled in gargantuan numbers so that they don’t go from a “managed” ecological disaster to an “out of control” ecological disaster. And then you get the slaughter without the benefit of feeding billions of hungry people.

  • While a successful live service can be a money printer for a developer, a failed one is a stone around the neck while they’re obligated to support it, and only decrease trust when they inevitably get shut down after a year or so.

    Honestly, everyone scrambling for a piece of the GaaS pie has caused saturation and fatigue. People don’t have enough time and/or money to engage with all these games.

    IMO, Sony would be better served by dialling back the budgets of their single player games if that’s the biggest factor, rather than chasing the GaaS white whale.

  • I got the platinum on the 26th and there was 7% of players with it at that time. It’s interesting to note that between then and now, an extra 3% of players have gotten the platinum (according to the PS App).

    I do appreciate that Insomniac have platinums in their last few games that are very achievable - no arbitrary or onerous trophies. You can play, have fun, and usually be most of the way to the platinum with minimal fuss.