Cowbee [he/him]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • Is your question why a propaganda operation focused on disrupting or presidential elections would “go live” 18-ish months before the presidential election?

    If your assumption that Hexbear is just bots and propaganda was true, why would it remain isolated for 4 years, with posters talking only to each other? 4 years of training? And, correction on your part, it started federating 10 months ago, not 18.

    It makes more sense for these to be people with genuine views and aligned interests.

    And are you asking if I have specific evidence that they’re trolls? Or that the governments I’ve listed have troll farms? Or that specifically HB is specifically rife with trolls from this governments’ farms? Because I definitely don’t have specific evidence. Just the historical evidence of (attempted) general interference from those countries in our previous elections.

    So you don’t, you’re just accusing people you disagree with of being propaganda agents and bots, despite them existing for 4 years in pure isolation. That’s silly.

  • Again, you are not reading the links, nor are you interested in engaging in good faith. As an example: - more “all Ukrainians are Nazi rhetoric”

    The comment was mocking the “no Ukranians are Nazis” rhetoric on a video of Ukranian soldiers with Nazi symbols on their helmets harassing an elderly Russian man. You aren’t interested in truth, but debate-broing.

    As for your definition of Imperialism, I quite specifically linked Lenin’s work on Imperialism as a stage of Capitalism, not merely invasion, yet you obscure that and push the dictionary definiton, again as a measure of bad-faith. Marxists specifically refer to international Monopoly Capitalism as Imperialism, something the Parenti video I linked you touches on well enough to give you a sufficient taste of Lenin’s Imperialism so you don’t have to read the book for this conversation, yet you twist words and pretend Hexbear is operating on a double standard by using the dictionary definition against a forum of Marxists using Lenin’s definition!

    It’s peak dishonesty, your other links are similarly dishonest readings out of context, hoping people won’t actually click the link and see what they really said.

    If you aren’t going to engage honestly, you need to logout and touch grass.

  • These pathetic foxes are pissed they’ve been neutralized by defederation.

    Hexbear has been around for 4 years, unfederated. It wasn’t until 10 months ago that they started slowly federating. At least try to be honest.

    That real lefties, even communists don’t take them seriously.

    Who determines what a “real lefty,” or a “real Communist,” if not Communists who regularly read theory, talk about it, and post memes that require understanding theory to even get?

    It’s just 4chan cosplaying communism. Truly despicable.

    Do you genuinely believe people would put in that much effort to meme amongst themselves something they don’t agree with?