

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • One thing I’ve learnt from my 15 minute cycle commute is to assume everyone on the road is an idiot.

    Drivers: happy to kill you for a second off their journey time.

    Cyclists: same, as well as thinking red lights don’t apply to them. They’re happy to kill both themselves and their fellow cyclists and pedestrians.

    Pedestrians: have a death wish. You don’t need to look if you can’t hear an engine.

    I was on a bus once when they were still constructing the cycle superhighway in my area (a waste of time since it’s just full of pedestrians), and despite the warning signs saying narrow lane, don’t overtake cyclists, the driver couldn’t be bothered to wait and ploughed right into the guy, he went flying. And the driver didn’t even stop until a full bus stop later.

  • I’m a lot like that too. An article about a person I never knew dying can leave my heart aching days, weeks or even years later. I see a stranger crying and I start to cry too. And yet other things can leave me feeling nothing. My mum is in severe pain from terminal cancer and there are moments when it gets to me, but other times I feel almost nothing and I can’t tell if it’s because I’m just a heartless cow or I’m doing a really good job blocking it out (schizoid skills ftw).

  • I work in a bike shop and my colleagues like to poke fun at my 13" kids mountain bike that I use to commute. But you know what, over 3 years, even after riding over glass bottles and thorny branches and who knows what, no puncture so far. All I’ve had to do is change my brake cable, just did a chain and freewheel replacement last week (probably cos I don’t wash it as often as I should) and a brake pad replacement cos the ones it came with on the v brake was the cheap sort that screamed.

    They keep telling me to upgrade to a aluminium frame hybrid, I’m like, why?

  • The thing about London is we don’t actually like other people. I use tube, bus, bike or walk, but I hate using the bus, we get a lot of antisocial people, whether it’s the random ranter, the drunk, the person who practically sits on you, the one who feels the need to shout on their phone, the one playing music out loud, the one trying to pick a fight with everyone. That’s not to mention the molesters. Even though I’ll never get a car (through choice), I totally understand why people would choose to drive, especially women.

    I only have to make one return trip by public transport a week for my food shop, as I cycle to work, but I used to take the tube in my last job, and when finishing at rush hour, it was awful. I’d have to wait for about 5 trains to go by before I could get on one, and then I’d have my face in someone else’s pit and once had a guy use the crowd as an excuse to grab my bum. Also had a man fall asleep on me, just gross. Public transport can be a horrible experience in London.

  • I tried to clean my inkjet, and instead of just cleaning the one colour that was clogged, I thought I may as well flush all of them and now I’ve completely killed my black printhead.

    I was like, screw inkjets then, I’ll buy a laser, but apparently they have a much lower dpi and I’m mostly going to be printing artwork and photo quality and now I don’t know what to do.

    The laser I was looking at is 600x2440 dpi. But my current dead inkjet has 5760x1440 which is a massive difference. I print things for miniature houses so the high res is important. What do I do? I hate inkjets because of the clog.

  • That reminds me, this month is my three year Amazon-free anniversary and I don’t miss it one bit. And I used to be the type of person who would immediately go to Amazon the moment I needed anything.

    I recently watched Louis Rossman’s video on the decline of Amazon, and man I’m glad I don’t use it anymore. That channel 4 documentary was interesting too, how easily he could game the system.

    I agree, give them a general gift card like one4all or love2shop. Don’t be sending more people Amazon’s way, you’re just adding to the problem.

    Also if your employer has one of those discount schemes with other retailers, look it doesn’t matter if it’s just 6%, claim it. It adds up.