• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Lmfao, that’s a lot of condescending words to say “no, I will absolutely NOT listen to the people whose space I’m encroaching on and try to learn about their experience and do better for their benefit (or simply walk away), I WILL continue to always centre myself, because that’s all I care about”.

    I’ve been on the receiving end of righteous anger for giving neurotypical advice before

    And yet the thought to, you know, just fucking not never seems to have crossed your mind…

    The “experience I’m facing” that is causing me “anger” is you and your behaviour, no amount of twisting things to justify it to yourself changes that, the least you can do is take some accountability (lmfao, as if… This entire thread is absolutely textbook NT behaviour, including the framing me as “emotional” and yourself as “logical”, and you’ve already made it clear that you don’t give a shit about the impact of your own actions).

    Sorry it came across the way it did. I’ll try to be more careful about it in the future, assuming I remember.

    Fuck your non apology and your insistent on there being a next time for you to be “careful about it” - you don’t need to “be careful”, what you need is to have some respect for spaces that aren’t for you and the people they are for, and resist your desperate need to insert yourself and your unsolicited unhelpful and uninformed opinions absolutely everywhere.

    I thought expressing a bit of solidarity

    TIL solidarity means privileged people talking over the experiences of marginalise people in their own space 🙄

  • I’m autistic and I’m the same but for me it’s less about going a minute without stimulation, more about not wanting to be alone with my thoughts because they’re constant and horrible at best.

    Without my tv and pc always on around me (and weed) I don’t think I could sleep at all (pc to scroll/read till my eyes get sleepy, and tv to give my brain external conversation to focus on rather than the one going on in my brain). Even then it’s a struggle, but I’m still 100% more likely to get some sleep with these things on, than I am without (I don’t consider crying for several hours in either frustration or deep despair until my eyes can’t stay open anymore a good enough alternative ¯\(ツ)/¯).

  • Not everything is about or for you, you don’t always have to chip in, and this is a perfect example of a time where you actually have nothing of much value to contribute to the conversation so should just taken a seat and listen (if you must. Again - some things simply aren’t for you and it’s ok to move on without piping up).

    You are literally being the top person in the meme who doesn’t get it. We face several of you a day every single day of our lives.

    I hope you take this opportunity to learn and do better in the future, instead of trying to justify, and continuing to centre yourself in conversations that aren’t for you.

  • It’s not possible.

    By design, of course.
    For those who won’t look it up the takeaway is that when a massively popular, actually left leaning candidate makes it far enough in the race and poses a real threat to the establishment despite the hurdles it has already put in their way in the form of the media and state dictated education that sow hatred of anything remotely socialist, the media will then go in to overdrive to stop them from getting in to power by any means possible.
    And it works. Again - because of a combination of no education for critical thinking against the establishment, and a media that serves it.
    It’s one of the ways in which the system is rigged to always work in favour of the rich and powerful, and why elections are nothing but a charade (especially in a monarchy) - they will never let us have an equitable and just society that works for all of its members, they have too much to lose, and they would kill us all off in a blink if it protected their status (they already are). The time for fighting back in self defence is long overdue…

  • I gained nothing from watching the first episode, and won’t be watching the rest…

    But I’m also not really a fan of dating/“love” shows in general, so I’m not the target audience, but then I think this underage/age gap thing is too much even for the trashiest/most exploitative of shows, so… 🤷‍♀️

  • Beats me, people saying “if you’re tired enough you can sleep anywhere”, making me laugh my exhausted ass off (and feel jealous af, but can’t really hold it against them).

    I’ve spent more nights than I can count laid in bed for hours, absolutely shattered, wanting nothing but sleep, and none has come. Then when I do finally fall asleep, it isn’t for long or of any decent quality (as in EtraordinaryJoe’s case - chronic pain will do that to you), so I’m still always tired, and yet still unable to just fall asleep.

    My trick to getting to sleep at night is weed and a meal, to help induce food coma, which again, isn’t quality sleep, but it’s better than nothing…