Don’t worry; we’re evening it out!
The picture’s off-center stance is bugging me lol.
Apparently there is:
Ironically, I just made ! last night, haha.
Yes, and you can even download a local swipe package for it. I think it can’t do open-source speech-to-text, but that’s a small price to pay for a nearly fully key-customizable keyboard.
Have you beaten FTL on Hard yet?
I’ll be a Guinea pig and install it. It’s only 35kb; what could possibly go wrong?
Man, kudos getting through the first one. I couldn’t stand it.
Could Hero’s Hour fit the bill?
Prey is one fantastic game.
CrossCode’s dungeons don’t get better, sadly; they’re almost all ricochet puzzles. I watched the remainder of it on YouTube.
I… don’t disagree with you there.
That’s ironic because I’ve generally gotten way more enjoyment out of specific indie games than AAA. Whatever floats your boat, I s’pose.
Things aren’t so cut and dry:
“Rhoades and Stanley used a representative sample of approximately 1,600 Americans who were married for the first time between 2010 and 2019. The study found that 34% of marriages ended among those who lived together before being engaged, while just 23% of marriages ended among couples who waited until after engagement or marriage to move in together.” -
This was also an interesting read: Are Couples That Live Together Before Marriage More Likely to Divorce?
And that’s from Psychology Today, which is irreligious.
Wow, that’s pretty incredible that it hadn’t reached you all these years. Slay the Spire’s predecessor is Dream Quest, which, in combination with the tabletop card game Dominion, spawned a whole subgenre of deck-building games.
Indies’ Lies, Pirates Outlaws, Monster Train, Tainted Grail: Conquest, Griftlands, and so many more are all direct descendants of StS. It was as revolutionary to indie gaming as FTL: Faster Than Light and Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story) were in their respective genres.
So there’s a little bit of indie gaming history for you.
That’s only because it’s forcibly downloaded as the stock keyboard on some devices, haha. For me, personally: Go HeliBoard!
A person at age 40 (or 30 or any age) isn’t suddenly considered to be younger by anyone just because they’re infertile, in my experience. But heck, I don’t know; with all the anti-aging research going on, maybe we will be successful at ending age-related mortality in the next couple of centuries, and “old” would literally become just a truly relative number. For the time being, all I can say is that in my family and circles, about 35+ is considered not-young for any human, and especially 40+.
swans do do a much better job than humans.
Their lives are also way simpler.
32 GB is very healthy. What does the expert have to say?
Thanks, I see it now. I’ve clearly been spoiled by Boost, which can copy text directly from the post overview without needing step 1.