90s kids are the only ones who know how to build and fix computers.
Aww dude
90s kids are the only ones who know how to build and fix computers.
Aww dude
But I have so much edgy doomer energy to burn.
Going to stroke this image for the next time I see some dumb cunt using the term enshitification unironically.
When did telltale come back?
And I thought a man with two wives would be happy
Gamers went wild for RDR2 realistic horse bollocks and shit physics,
So i kinda blame them.
Gmers being Gmers
I bet none of the little shits even played the original. They probably think Pyramid Head was just the town’s old executioner. And not the personification of James guilt over his unhealthy view of women.
You mean whatever one you first used and have an unhealthy nostalgia for. I mean Windows 98.
Saying it is in the top three IPs for a company that only has three IPs is technically correct.
It’s the same thing we had 10+ years ago with MMO’s. Everyone wanted to unseat WoW,
There’s something to be said about both the nonsensical and sensical nature of Japanese mascots.
There’s no reason for it to be a fluffy red monster. But a fluffy red monster that takes you on a tour in his sewn on pocket somes how makes sense.
What about that Action52 Tigerman game that was made to be impossible
Neil Cox
There’s no way
Would they though? Surely the people on land could hold the weight.
Maybe not across the Pacific, Atlantic maybe. Just fashion a human suspension bridge.
So many of these types of stories just seem to boil down to the devs not playing the game themselves.
Ain’t that a kick in the head
Don’t blame him. Mayo tastes like shit
It’s bad that I know the exact guy you’re talking about.
The only reason the timeline exists is because fans kept asking for one.
By not being single issue shit heads.