This isn’t an argument or even a discussion. You’re just beating a dead horse and the rest of us are sick of seeing it.
This isn’t an argument or even a discussion. You’re just beating a dead horse and the rest of us are sick of seeing it.
This discussion exists because dumbass Russian apologists won’t shut up about it
I encourage you to google the paradox of tolerance, because you sound like a Fox News propagandist saying ‘so much for the tolerant left am I right?’
Russia made its bed. The response from the US is exactly that - a response. Even the most tolerant society will HAVE TO be intolerant towards intolerance in order to exist.
You can understand this or not, I really don’t care. But at least someone attempted to explain to you why you’re getting buried in downvotes.
So I can get close enough to airdrop photos of my penis to the president of the United States. What did you think I was going to use it for?
Original Xbox modding is fun as hell. You need to track down a 300GB PATA/IDE hard drive, then load the sucker up with ROMS. The modded OS comes with a built in FTP server so its pretty effortless to load up it with ROMs. Last I tried (like 10 years ago) Xbox reliably played roms from SNES and older, and could less than reliably but still successfully play N64 and PS1 games. I was even able to change CDs on FF7.
Man I want to mod an Xbox now. If I remember right, you need a copy of mech assault…
How’s that Kool aid taste? You’re not even worth debating, it’s clear you’re a lost cause. Keep believing this, and let the rage build inside you.
This was part of the fictional operating system in the book Little Brother. I think it inspired similar features in a particular real life Linux build too
She was probably asking to be Ariel and got Arial instead
Fine, if no one else is going to ask, I will.
What happens if I eat one?
Lol tell that to Tina Peters.
At tesla its not an unveiling until musk puts a brick through it
For me personally it’s this damn neighborhood I came across once called Woodfield. Which one is it??! Woods or a field?! I lie awake at night, guys.
A sudden interest in cheating at pokemon go might benefit you. The majority of those spoof tools don’t modify the game, they convince your whole phone it’s somewhere else and the game goes along with it. It’s a constantly evolving cat and mouse game, so there’s a ton of tools that might not work for the game, but would still work fine for your purposes. I’d try the easiest method you find despite any warnings that it doesn’t work with pokemon go anymore.
I had something similar happen to me, but instead of pounds of peanut butter i was substituting lunch for trail mix too often. One day I was passing white flakes that hurt like hell and it would come in waves if I tried eating any sort of nuts after. It’s not peanut allergies, it takes a few days or so to feel these sharp cramps then I will be doubled over the next day. It looks like my bladder had dandruff.
I read it had to do with nut oils, and citrus supposedly counteracts it, so I eat oranges like mad if I ever feel it coming back and so far I haven’t dealt with it again since. I’m really not the type to go over my diet or look into health things like this, but holy hell it hurt and that seems to be the why and also the how to help.
Lol Russian soldiers on US soil? The US military would do good to hang back, avert their gaze, and let the US citizens handle things how they see fit. Plausible deniability and all that
Post screen shots shared by other low-T males (am i saying this right?) and agree with what they tell him.
Excel stops crashing
Yup and the most important names, the ones that he responds to, are psp-psp-psp and ti-ti-ti.
One of those unique business opportunities that provides both actual work experience as well as the reason for their future work behind bars
Weird. You have two top level comments, and two replies in this thread where you’re offended that someone might find humor in an aspect of their job. Are you ok, dude? Is DNS your girlfriend? Should we stop talking about her? Youve been in IT for 30 years - maybe its time to retire.
I find it fascinating that this exact process that was discovered in order to create weapons during war is also whats used to create the majority of the worlds industrial fertilizers. It’s singlehandedly the biggest leap in food production ever, more than GMOs or crossbreeding or anything. It’s basically the main reason we are able to support a global population in the billions. We’ve used it so much that we are dependent on it