Yeah just guessing if the cable supports the right usb-c protocol. The port is great. The protocol is horrible you have like 10 different versions of the same protocol. And you have to pray that your cable supports the right one you need.
Yeah just guessing if the cable supports the right usb-c protocol. The port is great. The protocol is horrible you have like 10 different versions of the same protocol. And you have to pray that your cable supports the right one you need.
That is a pretty low bar tbh.
True, Rarely anyone wantsnto actually know how you have been. Just a question to start a conversation like a greeting.
So I just default to “fine” or “it has to” (makes more sense in german).
You say that like it is any better.
A non-profit that owns a for-profit company is very well not realy non-profit. Just because all their profit is made by one of their subsidaries? And yet mozilla stand itself on some kind of moral highground.
If a corporations earns halve a billion. Does it really need donations?
The whole concept of a parent company owning the foundation is fishy. Its just as strange that firefox seems to be like by privacy people when the owners are as instranparent as mozilla.
I really really want to believe in firefox but the corporations behind it are way too fishy.
The whole setup of mozilla foundation and mozilla coporation stinks. Mozilla asking for donations when the donation amount is barely 1 percent of their income.
I mean the list never said that the browser is opensource. The opensource column is for the respective technology to the left of it. So it describes if the js and browser engines are opensource.
I don’t why people buy multiple phones. Over the span of few years. Is it not a hassle to always set them up?
Google android is far from clean. I had to install a new launcher because it wouldn’t let me disable the stupid google bar on the mainscreen. Searching for a way to disable it I stumpled on way too many google kiddies asking “WhY WoULd wAnT To DisaBLe tHiS FeaTUre?”
I mean now it is more the other way around. I have scrolled way too much to never find any actual fuck cars member or maybe they are just hypocrites.
Not necessarily i don’t know about the situation all arouns the world but in atleast the herman speaking countries we have the concept to buy flats like one would buy a house and own it. So not all of it is owned by the same person. You still have the house maintainer which looks after the infrastructure but afaik you don’t pay them rent.
I am pretty 7 is in fact seven. Why does it return false?