18 billion yearly profit last I checked.
Not enough.
Never enough.
18 billion yearly profit last I checked.
Not enough.
Never enough.
No one does that.
You know, there was a girl I was chatting with once. She suggests we get lunch, then calls it off last minute.
A few days later she complains about some guy she likes who stood her up for lunch that lives near me.
Then she just ghosted me.
I’ve always wondered if she meant me and the whole thing was her miscommunicating and then trying to be coy and indirect.
Because they can be slotted in to work existing machinery without retooling the entire plant.
Good thing you aren’t making policy.
If your policy change is going to harm the less fortunate then you should re-evaluate the policy.
A land value tax just shifts those who can’t afford it out of their homes and hands more land over to the wealthy.
Land isn’t the problem with housing. The problem is that developers have figured out it’s more profitable to build fewer expensive properties than a large number of affordable ones. Not only do they have to do less work, but it keeps the market artificially low and so lets them charge more for what inventory they do have.
So they do just that.
And the residential development market has such a huge investment level to enter you won’t see many willing to roll the dice on mass producing affordable housing.
Show me a home builder who has plans which are less than 3k sqft these days. You won’t find one.
No way. That would fuck over way too many people who are just trying to live out their lives in the home they’ve built/purchased/inherited.
Wouldn’t know, have ublock.
8gb of RAM? What year is this?
What media is an LLM going to be able to reproduce that I can’t already reproduce with a copy paste?
That critical mass will never come because people don’t feel the data has been stolen from them.
Rather, it’s traded in exchange for whatever online services they use.
And to them it’s a decent trade.
The justice system isn’t about revenge.
I think it’s that we miss those three camera stage plays.
Atleast I do.
Those long seasons let us have silly, off the wall and yes, sometimes plain bad episodes.
But I’ll take them for the extra world building, character development and slower pacing that we get in return.
I don’t want or need television to be movie quality. I’m fine taking a hit in production quality if it gets us back some of those lost elements.
Part of me does want this.
But I also know how much actors have gone on record saying how much the working conditions absolutely suck in order to have that level of output.
So while I’d love it I don’t want it if it can’t be done with decent working conditions.
I own the push mower version.
That was true of the first gen batteries. They lasted a year and then stopped holding a charge.
There are second gen batteries that seem to be holding up better, I’ll be going into my third year with them soon so we’ll see.
They are more efficient than pure ICE vehicles though in most situations.
At low speed and city driving the regenerative breaking can make a 30mpg motor into a 50-60 mpg motor.
I drove one for awhile and the efficiency is noticable.
Sounds like she was punished to me.
Good. Influencers are a plague.
I have a Samsung TV and it’s kind of irritating that it does this same thing. Any option you leave selected for a few seconds will start playing a sample
It’s frustrating to have to go hunt for a safe place to put my cursor so my TV doesn’t start playing something I don’t want it to.