That was my diet when I was in my 20s.
That was my diet when I was in my 20s.
It’s a mix of a Delorean, a Lamborghini Countach, and a turd.
What I want to know is; why is there an enforcement agency for alcohol, tobacco and firearms, when they are are all 3 legal?
Can you add something to my Jimmy to make it bigger and vibrate?
Don’t ask for a refund; demand it. Threaten them if you have to. Tell them you’ll bring the pain if they don’t give you your money back.
The only people I see that have iPhones are the ghetto people that have no job. I can spot one when they walk in the door to my store. They look like a combination of gangsta and homeless. I will comment to whoever I’m working with and bet that they will want to pay with their iPhone. I’m usually right, and half the time they’re transaction is declined.
Well, I don’t think they could be any more hated.