The poison of the “big tent”. Move a little over to let people in enough and you are no longer representing anyone in a desperate attempt to represent everyone.
The poison of the “big tent”. Move a little over to let people in enough and you are no longer representing anyone in a desperate attempt to represent everyone.
Critique the actual fault at play, bad writing,
That seems to be what is being done here. Everything that I have seen on this has done what you asked, said what they where critiquing then giving a clip from the game as an example. If people can not be critical of media for any reason, we have an issue.
Next time try Fishermans friends and straight hot sauce.
I 'member.
Twas Dickity 14 or so, and I plan to make good on Microsofts words.
Might want to wait even on that idea until we know they don’t destroy themselves. (kinda have to do that with all intel now, sad)
Eh I am used to it. Even when I ask for an example of a end user getting compromised from using out of date software (like a news story, court case, etc.) and they come up empty I am still somehow the “insane” one. You are better to learn to back up things, not get caught in phishing attacks (the most common risk) and watch your accounts then even worrying about security updates.
Worked 15 years in the industry but, hey what do I know… Not like your bank is still using server 2008 and windows 7 or anything…
I would vote for 2. myself, its not like the security updates have been deal breakers before (nothing is secure anyway).
Was looking for em
“Slowly” is relative. Also remember that windows 10 was the last windows you would need to ever buy? (To be fair that is more true then Microsoft would like these days)
The shuttle was reusable in the same way a soyuz capsule is. And NASA very much crashed shuttle prototypes on the way.
The shuttle was a massive and unsafe waste of space ship.
Not sure what Hubble did to catch this stray however.
How nice of them…
Oh they are deep into something, it is just is not as nice smelling as journalism
Oh and 90% of the market could not run the thing.
Well and the draw of these tiny driverless train like objects kinda goes out the window when you have to staff anything at all to monitor and control them.
A battery and a cell modem.
for now
Soon that feature will be premium only.
Why not? no less insane then the rest of the stuff Graham Hancock and the like put forward.
Or you know, not gatekeeping but actually taking a position as a political party (instead of trying to be some grey nothing). Oh and having more then two parties would be nice.