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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Demi Moore and Denis Quaid. I’m in. Gonna go find and watch ‘Revenge 2018’.


    Ooooo. Revenge 2018 is not good. I’m half way through it and so far there are major details that are just wrong. Burning yourself out of being impaled on a dead bush/tree and somehow not roasting yourself alive. Deciding not to remove the foreign object impaled in your abdomen until hours later. The choice of cauterization for the wrong type of wound. Clearly a pump shotgun with a mounted large objective rifle scope being called a rifle. The shotgun has two flashlights mounted. One in the handguard, and one under the barrel directly in front of the other. I guess it could be a laser sight, but why? Because it looks cool? It’s certainly not effective.

    If these few details are so wrong then how am I supposed to interpret any other details about the movie? As an accident? Framing, color, lens choice, shot length.

    This is style over substance. Fast food of cinema.

    Now I’m worried about this upcoming movie. I hope the attention to details get much, much better.

  • It looks like a point-to-point relay. There appears to be two different sized dish antennas on each antenna “pod” which would indicate two different frequencies are in use. I’m sure it’s the method they’re using to transmit the camera feed back to a landline connection. The poles without a camera are probably just a relay to get the signal down the next hop in the chain, or maybe there is some other sort of sensor data being collected at those points.

    Looking at the UniFi stats azdle posted the dishes in the pod are separate send and receive dishes. The size denotes the dbi gain.

  • Ethernet speeds historically were measured in 10/100. In my past life I worked for an a small rural isp. And part of my learning I was taught that cat5 was 8 strands of wire, or 4 twisted pairs. I got very familiar with crimping patch cables. If one strand were cut a network card would negotiate down to its lowest speed and still work at 10mbps. Operating on 4 wire or two pairs. It’s possible with those numbers you had a bad connection, or a broken strand in the cable and it auto negotiated down to 10mbps. To this day I still crimp my own cables, and I own a cheap cable tester to make sure the crimps and cables are good.

  • I’ve had very bad luck with raspberry Pi’s and SDCards. They just don’t seem to last very long. I swapped to usb storage and things got somewhat better. I just had a usb drive die after 3 to 4 years of use. When I was still using SD it seemed like multiple times a year. Heat. Power loss, you can only punch holes in silicon so many times before it wears out. Whatever the reason.

    My approach for this is configuration backup not the entire os. I think this approach is better for when it’s time to upgrade the os or migrate to a new system.

    For my basic Pi running WireGuard and DNS, I keep an archive of documentation on steps to reconfigure the system after a total loss. Static configs are backed up once, and If there are critical configuration items that change then I back those up weekly. I’ve got two systems (media related servers, not Pi’s) that I keep ansible playbooks to configure 90% of the system from scratch so it’s as hands off as it can be.

  • The Democrats are out of time, and they could rush to nominate her as their candidate in August. It’s likely they will find the best polling candidate, and I hope they look for someone outside the Biden/Harris administration. Someone without the baggage of the last four years and complicit in hiding the condition of the current president.

    Personally I hope they ask Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to lead. (If she will accept) Of all the possible nominees I’ve read about she has the most experience.

  • Synology Diskstation DS1522+ $699.00

    Synology Diskstation DS1621+ $899.99

    Some of those apps are available through the community package center. If not then you can run a docker environment or a virtual machine on the DS and run whatever you want. It’s got a lot more horsepower than a single board computer, but I still recommend separation of duties and let the NAS be a NAS. Put your services on a server or separate virtual environment.

    This is my DS16xx+ and expansion bay