The Legacy (1978)
Fuck knows what my dad was thinking 😅
The Legacy (1978)
Fuck knows what my dad was thinking 😅
Weird how when I see a moronic thumbnail on a YT link, I just automatically downvote 🤔
We call it humour because we can afford the extra “U”
I can hear a Frenchman somewhere hon-hon-honing about the fact that our food culture is so pitiful, we have convinced ourselves we actually like eating an overrefridgerated supermarket sandwich out of a cardboard box and calling it lunch.
Have you ever had a french supermarket sandwich, hen? They’re fucking awful. He’s not right
Consider two people: one getting ready salted crisps, a BLT and a San Pellegrino, the other a spicy chicken pasta pot, the hard-boiled egg two-pack and a banana Yazoo. Which one would you rather have as your babysitter?
Dunno, I’m not a judgemental wank like you, I’d take it on merit
This is fucking GASH journalism and the advert for her “book” at the end says it all
Why is having sex at Legacy Independent Funeral Directors like eating a pork pie?
You have to break through the crust and the jelly to get to the meat
Sorted that headline for ya
It’s always the Brits and the yanks
Fuckin barbarians 😅
It’s to let you know you should install an extension on your browser that adds a small “block this site” button to your search results
If you think marijuana isn’t going to do you serious mental harm in the long term, you’re a fool that’s been listening to people that haven’t been smoking more than a decade
Mate, I’d definitely prefer loose leaf tea but can’t be arsed with the extra hassle
There are dozens of us
Poor access to GPs, long waits for hospital treatment, staff shortages and a lack of Government funding
So basically it’s not a dissatisfaction with the NHS, but with the evil fuckers that are trying to drive it into the ground so they can make huge profits on healthcare?
leaked by retailer
Just say fuckin “advertised” smh
They might have tracking but it’d be highly illegal to sell personal info to an insurance company
Why I don’t watch YouTube videos -
It’s 8 minutes long and contains less than a minute’s worth of information, and is a complete waste of time
Have you tried… being European?
See? Naebdy gies a shite
Have you ever met a Belgian? Same thing
Yes, so we’ve observed
Right, please tell me. Is this just a meme thing or do people actually knock on other people’s doors to try to convert them to their religion?
And does this only happen, bizarrely, in the country with the highest number of gun-owning cowards?
It just seems such an odd combination