Might be a bit difficult for people in landlocked areas.
Might be a bit difficult for people in landlocked areas.
And for those that are able to keep to just one subscription, switching to another when they’ve finished watching whatever show it is that said service had, they aren’t safe either.
One of the next steps that these corporations are going to take is to add fees for dropping their services, with year long contracts.
They don’t want competition, so they will try to force you to stay.
Legalize mad max cars! This murica, any car without a machine gun installed on the hood is for sissy liberals.
Real men run others off the road with their 80,000lbs Ford, with it’s hood 6ft up from the road.
Go for it. It was already an old, long dead meme when I posted it here.
This but corps
On the other hand, EVs typically have regenerative breaking, reducing the wear on brake pads.
Still shit, but partially canceled out.
The air is plenty clean as it is
Tell that to the people in East Palestine Ohio. Tell that to the people that live near coal plants.
as long as you don’t live in California
Doesn’t matter where you live if the planet is uninhabitable.
Wanting to breath clean air on a habitable planet isn’t insanity.
It’ll look like what we already have. Swaths of users self hosting, with lots of redundancy to deal woth instances that have problems.
And that might mean it needs to stay small, but that’s OK. Not all success is measured in popularity.
Embrace extend extinguish
Don’t federate with corps, it will only end badly
“Make Sure You Are Square With Your God Before Trying To Merge This”
Nobody has so far given you a serious answer, so:
Cutting - They only had IIRC bronze, which is not enough on its own to cut through the granite. However using sand to add friction makes it cut significant faster/easier.
Moving miles - Boats are incredibly capable of carrying heavy loads with minimal energy expenditure to move said boat. Using logs and levers also goes far.
Getting to the too of the pyramid, that’s a little more of a mystery. But there is evidence they included ramps within the structure as they built the bigger ones as they went. And IIRC the smaller ones had pulley systems going through the center.
It doesn’t require fancy tech, just of patience and application of basic physics.
Here is a guy using some of the basic movement techniques in his backyard with multi ton stones:
I will say, part of that ignorance, apathy, and laziness is an intentional part of our existing society. You can’t spend the time to research every single product you ever buy, because many are stuck working several job, basically everyone is juggling their work, family, and social life.
A couple months back, I tried putting some effort into finding a printer that had all of the qualifications I wanted.
usb printing, no network needed
not a brand that will fuck you over (looking at you HP)
within a reasonable budget of $300-$400
And such a product just doesn’t exist. Brother comes close, but the market straight up isn’t producing good things. So at the end of the day all I can do is either get shafted at the local print store, or suck it up and get an inferior product.
But going back to the OP, it’s so much worse with cars because we have a car-centric society. You NEED a car in this place to have a normal life. Our cities and transportation have been intentionally designed to fuck over everyone not in a car.
So there is inelastic demand. The manufacturers can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.
Enshitification isn’t solved by voting with your dollar. If it did, the printer market wouldn’t be the shit show that it is. You can’t vote for the good if all the manufacturers mutually agree to only produce shit. Only regulation will keep them in line.
(inb4 “brother is better”, I am aware that brother printers are generally better, but they are far from good.)
You’re missing my point. I am saying that the “free market shall decide” is enough justification to boycott them, regardless of how long ago they were doing shitty things.
I’m aware that’s how it works in practice. I’m saying that even by conservative, capitalist idealism they should have been shut down for being bigots.
What ever happened to the free market deciding? I thought the whole point of capitalism is that if you do awful things your business dies?
They should have lost all of their customers the moment the public found out what they were doing. Some of us aren’t going back to such a business.
Fantastic video. And potentially even a decent introductory video for people deep in conspiracies over 15 minute cities like my parents.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra