• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Do feel it is designed to scare normal users though.

    Like how the GUI software updater now shows a list of security updates, and then “there are more security updates available with Ubuntu pro” in the list of updates…. the obvious implication is “you’re computer has other known vulnerabilities that can only be fixed if you pay up”.

    Liiittlle bit ransomey and let be honest that’s by design.

    Wouldn’t consider myself part of the anti canonical pitchfork crowd but that new behaviour did irk me somewhat.

    If Microsoft did that people would be up in arms. Appreciate canonical provide Ubuntu is free but normal users wouldn’t get that nuance as they don’t think they pay for windows.

  • Okay so we’ll need a new boiler in a couple of years and to be honest the idea of pumping gas through a pipe into my house seems kinda archaic. Like oil lamp kind of technology.

    I really want a eco friendly alternative and modern, cost efficient technology instead.

    However heat pumps just don’t seem to make any sense, and the more marketing materials I read critically, the less convinced I am of their practicality, nor the integrity of the vendors - if they work similarly to air conditioning units or refrigerators why do they cost 20x as much as those devices?

    Anecdotally, an electrician I know has been involved with decommissioning more than one heat pump in new builds so that the owners could replace them with gas combi boilers because the heat pumps were so slow - taking a day or so to heat the house up after eg children leaving windows open, or forgetting to close doors when bringing in shopping etc. Never mind running out of hot water.

    There are some very insightful comments in this thread from people who are clearly more clued up than me, so I wondering if anyone could change my perception - which I will be the first to concede is likely ignorant.

    So…. Thinking about the UK implementation where one is supposed to swap out a gas boiler and replace it with a heat pump…

    My understanding - as an admittedly ignorant layman - is that:

    • They are cheaper to run in an ideal environment - a super insulated building, that is often a very high bar even for a relatively modern (less than 30 year old building say) with all the insulation one can achieve. For the sake of argument let’s say this is doable for the individual and they have achieved a C level EPC rating, the most you can get before your house begins to generate its own energy eg with solar panels.

    • They cost 4x the price of a gas boiler (approx 3k vs 12k). A few hundred quid a year off the gas bill doesn’t justify that difference.

    • They take incredibly long (by comparison) to heat a home from perceivably “cold” to “warm”. Eg 24 hours to go from 14 degrees C to 21 degrees C, vs an hour with a gas boiler.

    • Hot water on demand is impossible, so you’re back to the olden days of having to plan life around a hot water tank, and praying no one takes a slightly longer shower than usual, or guests don’t want a bath

    So then, what is the upside for a rational (ie selfishly motivated) consumer? A pay off after 26 years assuming a failure rate of 0? How long are they expected/guaranteed to work for? If the anticipated lifespan is less than that then it doesn’t make sense from a financial point of view no? And if they are expected to last longer, how much longer? Is that a good investment vs savings? And during/beyond that time are people expected to not value the loss of a superior experience in terms of heating time when temps drop unintentionally?

    Reading my post back I appreciate it sounds very critical and full of FUD but I’m genuinely not trolling - just looking for sense where I don’t see it, but really want to!

  • I would recommend getting an adjustable angle oscillating desk fan, but one made of metal (not much difference in price tbh) when you can unclip the front guard to access the blades.

    That way you can wipe the dust off and give the spinning part a blast of WD40 once a year to keep it running nicely for a long time.

    Something like this

    For context about 30cm in diameter. Should cost around €25.

    If you need the height but lack the table space a similar floor fan should do though will probably cost a bit more.

  • Several corporations in the United States have been reported to use prison labor Walmart: Utilizes prison labor for manufacturing products and for supply chain operations.

    McDonald’s: Uses prison labor to produce uniforms and other items.

    Victoria’s Secret: Has used prison labor for manufacturing lingerie.

    AT&T: Employs prison labor for call center operations.

    Starbucks: Uses prison labor for packaging products.

    Microsoft: Utilizes prison labor for refurbishing and recycling electronic equipment.

    Boeing: Engages prison labor for manufacturing parts.

    Nordstrom: Uses prison labor for product manufacturing.

    Target: Employs prison labor for manufacturing and packaging.

    Whole Foods: Uses prison labor for packaging products.

    BP: Utilizes prison labor for various operations. Caterpillar: Engages prison labor for manufacturing parts.

    Chevron: Uses prison labor for various operations. Eddie Bauer: Employs prison labor for manufacturing products.

    Kmart: Uses prison labor for manufacturing and packaging.