“American Style” Democrqcy
“American Style” Democrqcy
Ace Combat 7.
The Canyon Run is kicking my ass.
Totally. You think they parade around at NAMBLA marches or something?
They would if they were honest.
But don’t worry. Catholics don’t have a monopoly on child abuse. Evangelical youth pastors are gunning for the crown. (They’ll never get close. But they’re trying)
I love it. And I’m terrible at it.
I am however world class when it comes to killing everyone after a cockup.
I only keep it installed for service outages and breaking news. I don’t need an extra layer of bullshit to wade thru to see if Xbox servers are down.
This shit better be opt-in.
Just trying to imagine up some headcanon for why anyone would buy this and have it shipped across the country.
Thousand plus years.
I don’t know exactly when sneaky catholic scribes changed up the wording to make being gay bad except when they’re being gay with children. But it’s definitely their doing.
Anyone into witchcraft. Is there call for such a rare egg in spellwork?
I don’t play CoD. But im very pro modding.
Real or fake. Drive like an asshole. Get what you deserve.
Glad I never intended to give money to these assholes.
Lol. Hell no.
Equally fkin useless.
I wish I had a 1.0 version of netscape saved somewhere so I could use it.
That’s what I was about to say. That makes no sense. Unless OP is outside their hoke country at like a tourist trap maybe.
Use chrome to download Firefox.
They can try. It won’t work.
If anyone who reads this is a youtuber.
Make a cockup compilation.
You get spooked and run into a blender anomaly. Stuff like that. YouTube gold.
Don’t sweat it. Just get what’s on sale.
They’re all the same.
There’s only one reason I’d opt for a high priced name brand. And that’s the ability to apply filters to everything you’re watching.
Imagine watching Ace Ventura but every character has the Chad Face filter on.