I’ve worked as tutor, I know those little idiots ain’t proofing a got-damn thing
I’ve worked as tutor, I know those little idiots ain’t proofing a got-damn thing
So when covid started lol. That hurts to think about
We laugh now, but all this really means is the Ai now has a really good failure case to improve upon
Easily by thwarted by simply proofreading your shit before you submit it
But I saw him jump over those rocks in the movie, Free Willy has to exist!
So they can write 8008135 in style
Aren’t cats Hooters whole business model? Or maybe it was melons . . .
Evolution turned out wildly different in an alternate universe where E comes before C except after I
Help me, salt-vinegar chipobi! Your my only hope . . .
That one looks stoned af
Wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah
Both are great insults
Some great names. Sneutrino, zino, wino
If I’m smart enough to get stuck in the peer review process I will absolutely just say fuck you
I’m not sure I like my factory defaults anymore
The first time I heard the term gooey it was from someone I don’t like so now I can’t stand it. All I can think about is buying that dude a toothbrush, but then he’d probably go on about how toothbrushes are actually bad for your health.
Are ya ready kids!
They went to the panel to learn how to use it properly
Thx, this is not helpful, but I will never be able to think of it any other way now