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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I didn’t accuse them of trying to get the last word in. I love it when people do that, means I can just keep replying and frustrated them. I accused them of not being as truly offended as they claimed to be. If they were, they just would’ve walked away.

    And you tried to insult my intelligence before, but then think that calling an Australian a cunt is insulting? Glasshouses indeed… I know what you meant though, and so what? I might be a cunt, but that doesn’t change shit. They were wrong, then said more wrong stuff. I coulda been nicer about it all, and like you said, that may make me a cunt. But at least I have the decency to accept people for who they are and not try to change them, unlike you you sanctimonious prick…

  • Which part of that was directed at you? I didn’t lump you in the “most people” category. You did that. I also didn’t disparage you with the second sentence. Nor with the third. It’s all talking about people and your country in general. None of it singles you out. I can understand how an idiot might think that, but that doesn’t mean it makes it the case. Now, I did go you in my next comment, I’ll admit that. But that was only in reply to you. Like I said before, jog on you sanctimonious prick.

    Never mind, I just looked at your profile and have seen you’re American. I take back what I said about you being an idiot, for the average American that goes online, you’re basically Einstein…

  • Hang the fuck on. You somehow think that your experience living on a “small island” speaks for “the average person”? Get to fuck. I guarantee your islands population isn’t even large enough to be a rounding error on the global scale. My attitude is fine considering I didn’t realise I was talking to an actual moron.

    But this whole thread illustrates a problem the internet has as a whole, fuckwits like you don’t even bother to research anything. You read something in discussions and chose to take it as gospel without bothering to check if it had a shred of truth to it? And then doubled down on it as if your tiny worldview somehow was what everyone experiences? There is no difference between you doing that and those who treat Fox News as the holy truth. I may have “attitude” now, but it’s cos I have to occasionally deal with people like you, and I don’t suffer fools gladly.

  • Yeah, so maybe “most people” should shut the fuck up and not spew nonsense about a topic they know literally nothing about? And what kind of arse backwards country do you live in? Every tyre store I’ve been in in Australia has had a number of tyre and wheel packages on offer. I literally had a chat with my tyre guy the last time I got tyres as they had a package on sale for 70% off (off topic, but it was the last one they had and it had sat for over 6mths). This isn’t a specialist tyre place that only specialises in these packages either. Hell, here’s the wheel and tyre packages page for Australia’s biggest tyre retailer. These packages are literally on the showroom floor when you walk in. You’d have to be so dumb that you should be committed if you walked in these stores and missed them.

  • Nope. The tyres it comes with are custom, but you can fit any tyre you want so long as it’s the right size (which does admittedly limit your options somewhat). The rims aren’t a custom size either (although, the ones that come from the factory obviously are a custom design, but like the tyres, it’s not hard to find a replacement). And there is nothing particularly special about either of them. Plenty of options out there for both. Plenty of reasons to hate this vehicle, the two issues you listed are not reasons to do so as they are problems that don’t actually exist.

    Edit: you may be getting confused as they got a patent early last year for their wheel covers (which I think is valid as they have aero shit involved with em). But they literally just clip on and off.

  • I mean, sure, we can’t outright dismiss it. Espexially as there was a slight rise in the death rate of vulnerable road users (ie, those not in a vehicle) globally. But let’s look at those countries I mentioned who have significantly dropped their death rates. Even if they somehow manage to get the same 40% increase in pedestrian deaths, their total is still gonna go down. And I doubt it’ll rise anywhere near close to that 40%, if it even does rise, as they do things like have better public transport, higher petrol taxes that discourage driving so much, higher taxes on “yank tanks”, better designed roads for all users, lowering speed limits, initiatives like what Japan does where they ban on street parking at night in busy areas so pedestrians and cyclists can be more easily seen, things like that. You know, actually being proactive about the issue. I wouldn’t be using the US as a global barometer for anything besides obesity rates. Cos here’s another example, and I know it’s not just America who has this problem, but global gun related deaths dropped ever so slightly between 1990-2016 despite the US’ rising (admittedly, not by much cos it start to show a drop for a while). Because a bunch of countries have done the work to reduce their death tolls, which counters the insanity of those few countries who haven’t. Cos other countries give two shits about their citizens.