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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Nope, been playing it for a couple days now. It’s just the same as it ever was. The web port itself is seamless (been playing on Firefox with a 10-year-old Macbook), but the game has a clunky, PITA UI.

    It’s kinda maddening in that no matter how well you clear every level, your character is likely to stall at some point and you’ll have to start over. For anybody who doesn’t know, you can start the game over again using the same character and re-loot the same levels; they don’t respawn once you clear them otherwise. In this way you can continually train up your character to make it further into the dungeon. At first it seems like this was a mistake, but then it seems that it actually was a design decision. It was the first of its kind, so it gets a pass I suppose.

    The shopkeepers inventory also does not cycle until you buy something and then that slot refills. So whatever you’ve got is what you’ve got. Unlike most of the games that came after, you are actually somewhat dependent on the shopkeepers for decent gear.

    That said, it’s still fun. Really fun. It’s not hard to see why it started something.

  • Everybody is blaming SEO, which is true - but Google is also hamstrung by walled gardens.

    Before Facebook, most content posted to the web was open. It could be viewed by anyone without logging in. Reddit even uses this paradigm.

    But then Facebook started putting everything behind their account login and suddenly, Google can no longer spider a significant amount of the conversation going on on the Internet - and it can’t link you to it either, because the link would be dead if you weren’t a logged-in Facebook user. And of course it’s not just Facebook.

    This is why appending site:reddit.com has come into fashion in the past couple years. Reddit, being open, viewable without a login, is a fantastic source for finding people who are talking about exactly what you’re searching for.

    And it’s another reason why Meta is cancer: all the conversations going on about whatever problem you are experiencing that made you do a search in the first place, if they exist in private groups on something like Facebook - they are useless to you and useless to anyone but the members of that private group. We are losing our giant public knowledge base because capitalism.