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                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • If we go hard revolution I feel like we end up getting fucked by who ends up on top, regardless of the views they support. We potentially end up with a new government and a new system of government, but that machinery also takes forever to get functioning correctly. I think it takes a lot more time in the long run than stacking victories for digital direct democracy and getting it incrementally implemented. The reasoning being that changing it from within still allows us to functionally address the evolving problems we’re currently facing and the cascading effects that are soon to come.

    If digital direct democracy can prove itself highly adept and quickly adaptable at addressing these problems then maybe its widespread adoption becomes preferable even to those who stand to lose power. If it’s revolution in the streets then so be it. But what if instead we can inspire a choice in humanity to believe in each other and move on to the next era of civilization?

    I fucking hate Milton Friedman, but he was known to say that in times of crisis and stagnation society will grasp for any ideas that are just laying around. Here in the states that grotesque piece of shit used that to ram neo-classical economics and neo-liberal policy into the heart of our society. And that was mostly on the back of stagflation and a made up gas crisis. People here have been ramping up to eat each others faces for 8 years and if we can simultaneously shock the status quo and make the narrative creators stumble then maybe it’ll be enough for people to see that exit ramp and opt to take it instead.

    I’ve been knocking on doors talking to people from both sides of the spectrum and when it clicks in their mind that there’s a way to have no more politicians or political parties or people telling them how they’re going to live their life (civil rights and liberties excluded of course;) there’s a look on their face that makes me want to keep at it. Taxes as low locally as they can possibly be? Go right ahead and they can all see where dirt roads and no schools goes. Turn 1/3 of the local streets into no/low car areas? Pull up your municipalities budget and see if you think the data makes it a compelling community investment. We can democratize these devices and information systems at our fingertips to actually give us the ability to wield collective power with perspective and guidance based on unbiased data. If that can be harnessed by a single state, province, or region and run for long enough, I think it will begin to spread faster than we might think.

    Humans are tool and culture based animals. It only takes one to see another doing something before the act of benefit is repeated. People who saw some of the first wood and cloth planes fly also saw motherfuckers landing on the moon. Maybe this can be like that but with a purpose. Imagining what happens if a unified humanity had unlimited support for arts, science and technology gives me goosebumps. More than anything I wish that’s where we could get to and I think DDD is the path that potentially leads there.

  • I mean, ostensibly the issue that modern western democracies are facing is corruption. That corruption definitely has taken over in the past 30 years to where the grift is basically in the open and further moves toward authoritarianism are happening to solidify the scheme and close doors to the corrupt facing repercussions. Absolutely, the wealthy elites are largely to blame for this situation. Though their power doesn’t just come from the financial resources they wield, but also the corruptible nature of humanity. We need to remove that lane of corruption by making the people they need to corrupt basically everyone.

    We’ve tried taking away their means to corrupt in the past and over time they just regain it. Too many people have been brainwashed to think that letting them have that power is a good thing. Hence, we turn our own power seeking nature in upon itself and offer those very same brainwashed people more direct control over their own society. It entails risk to be sure and by no means would it be easily achievable, but it holds the benefit of being a novel idea in today’s society. By being novel and by being able to appeal to the individualist beliefs of those on the right, it holds real potential if you can organize a push for it before they can adapt their means of corruption to stop it.

    Again, I know it’s very unlikely, but by doing the thing they don’t expect to stop them, it might actually be a lot easier than fighting them head on. With it we would see the effective end of political parties and all the baggage, rhetoric and special interests that go along with them. People could return to having a nuanced set of beliefs and having agency over their lives in an ever expanding radius. It’s the soft revolution that happens from within and if nobody ever called it that a majority would be none the wiser.

  • I’m not on twitter, so I don’t know all the details of the Magic Moonshot incident, but a friend explained the highlights to me the other day.

    Halo Infinite has a deal set up with a independent community channel of casters called LVT. Halo/Microsoft/343 (however you choose it) doesn’t care enough to cover the full spectrum of matches and play at their tournaments, so LVT is given access to cover that live feed and cast from the events. The only woman that was part of their team of casters goes by the name Magic Moonshot. Recently she set up a women’s tournament (non-sanctioned and no prize pool) and went to the mats to exclude a transgender woman from the event. She would not budge and it comes out that instead of any skill gap or game knowledge issue, she just won’t allow it for religious reasons. I had heard she spelled it out like a true frothing transphobic zealot, and it sparked a whole message from everyone in the community that #haloisforeveryone. She has refused to apologize or walk any of it back and as far as I know is now exiled from the channel and community.

    So the only woman actually casting play by play halo matches during tournaments is now gone due to her own prejudice. Not everyone liked her commentary or personality but it was so important that she was there just to keep pushing toward greater inclusivity in the FPS game casting world. A real cutting off your nose to spite your own face moment.

    The main stage desk host for Halo (Lottie) is a woman though. So while thankfully there’s still some representation, it’s not really the same thing. Hopefully Halo reads the room and gives a transgender person the opportunity to fill one of these roles in the near future. While the game is largely a toxic cesspool, it’s important that everyone feels represented in the community and that people can see things through a unique perspective. I have little hope for that at the moment though with the abhorrent rise in anti-trans rhetoric and corporations trying to stay neutral enough to avoid criticism of having an opinion on it.

    Fucking stupid country.

  • Detroit: Tragedy at Binford Sex Tools show, when speaker Tim “Toolman” Taylor got stuck in one of the new XL Ejacu-Pumper models, whilst demonstrating features to the audience. Eyewitnesses say that while inserted into the machine, Taylor began to mimic riding a bucking bronco. During this animated outburst, Taylor lost his balance, falling backward, and accidentally pulling the refrigerator sized sex appliance down upon himself. In a scene that had played out countless times prior in his life, Taylor lost control of the unit, as it went into what a Binford representative called “overdrive mode.”

    According to an attendee, who wished to remain anonymous “I heard a noise that day that will haunt me for the rest of my years. I was across the expo hall, and amidst a low rumble of screams came a piercing cacophony of confused cries of pleasure and pain. I don’t know quite how to explain it. It was like a wolf, gurgling, grunting and howling all at once. The noise went on for minutes, getting louder and more desperate sounding. When it stopped, I guess that’s when his pelvis was crushed.”

    A public memorial service will be held at Ford field this coming Sunday, prior to the Lions game, with a private burial ceremony to be held later in the week.

  • TLDR; if we don’t work toward solutions to racial justice before socioeconomic justice, the power and capital likely won’t exist to follow through with the former

    So, I can’t say for sure but what I think you’ve ran into is something that I heard best explained by a podcast once (I think it was one of Robert Evans). My guess is that what you encountered was organizers trying to take account for the systematic imbalance of power that is inherent within the US. Often times it goes unseen by many of us that can’t see it because it doesn’t effect us in the same way. We can see those problems of poverty and lack of support but then what about the added struggle of race, gender, disability? Those things added on top create deeper and different issues that we can’t account for, because we can’t know them. It’s the argument that to rid society of these myriad issues we must take the privilege we have and can’t see and use it to back POC to fight the problems that they see.

    I think I know where you’re coming from now, and though I’ve been in spaces where that happened, I’ve never seen issue in it because I believe in the premise. I’ve known multiple persons who did run into situations and feel like their views or voice were being marginalized from it though. I wasn’t there for their experience but I mostly think it was a misunderstanding on their part though and they couldn’t move past their ideas being of less importance/priority. I think this can play out in ways that can be counterproductive from time to time, but also that set backs that come from it are eventually learned from and worthwhile.

    It’s hard knowing how you want to organize and feeling like the roadmap is right in front if we could just come together and focus a part of the problem. There’s a risk that we still leave others behind though if we don’t address their issues before our own. People and movements lose interest once their needs and goals are met and if we want to pull off the big move forward we have to do it all together.

    Am I closer to talking about what you were now?

  • I sure did hear a lot of neo-lib politicians in my area saying that same thing when there was a push for Medicare For All. “It’s confusing and nobody knows what it means” is what some centrist dem congress people kept saying where I’m from. A few years on, now that the steam has been tapped and those same politicians are putting “healthcare for all” in their literature. The co-option against progressive policy is coming from inside the party and old railway Joe (not a progressive) outlawed a strike for… the railway workers.

    Also, not seeing this abandoning of labor to focus on race you speak of. People flooding the streets over police murdering POC isn’t a political maneuver. Could you lay out where your seeing this focus on race and not labor from progressives?