that you are, Unga Bunga the 3rd. That you are…
that you are, Unga Bunga the 3rd. That you are…
damn that’s dedication! I’m not sure if I could give that streak up.
my issue isn’t really with the brightness, it’s the height. Don’t get me wrong bright headlights are annoying as fuck, but a huge ass truck behind me with their headlights literally higher than my back window is insane.
woah, that’s crazy. Thanks for the info
“The bowling ball isn’t falling to the earth faster. The higher perceived acceleration is due to the earth falling toward the bowling ball.” is what the spoiler says
Reading that spoiler, I hate scientists sometimes.
where do you live where the sun goes down at 4? its always ~6:45-7 at the earliest where I live iirc
I have an electron rubiks cube
tested on a VPN and same result
there’s also Orthogonius Longiphallus which translates to “right angle long penis”
here’s a funny video if you want to laugh at stupid bugs and fish and stuff
Also check out the guys channel, gives off mega ‘autistic friend explaining their obsessions’ vibes which is really cool.
literally 😭
In a conversation when I get excited and have complex ideas to share but when I try to say them I have the vocabulary and speaking abilities of a 5 year old.
You might wanna add the captions in the smaller detail box thing as a lot of people have sound disabled by default
someone in australia did the same thing, then got destroyed by a comedian:
* note: I know nothing about Australian politics I just like the jokes
Wanted to see how I could do in comparison. Here’s my doodle:
unironically I’m kinda proud of it. Thought I’d do worse