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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • That sounds like it’s exactly the point…

    Normally I’d chalk your comment up as being a little too “tinfoil hat” to warrant engaging, but half the article implies exactly that, and I don’t think the author was doing it on purpose because quite frankly, I don’t think there are any news authors left with the competence to do so.

    This is 100% some shit I’d expect to come out of the red team though… The Biden administration hasn’t struck me as being on the side of corporate interests (generally speaking… I’m not naive enough to think the Biden administration couldn’t be bought, I’m speaking to track record here…), and I don’t think this would impact tax revenue much, which is to say that there’s not much ulterior motivation for blues to trump up a bullshit problem to keep Chinese cars out of the market.

    I’m inclined to agree with your opinion, but logically it doesn’t add up, is my point :)

  • I live in rural north Idaho, which is definitely one of the places you’re referring to, and simply saying you feel threatened is only going to get you so far… Your assertion that the random person at the door was a threat has to meet a “reasonable” criteria. A reasonable person would have to feel threatened under the circumstances.

    Putting a .30-30 round through the front door when somebody rings the doorbell is a total crapshoot. If it’s the pizza guy or FedEx, I’m 100% fucked, because nobody’s going to buy that they were being threatening in any way.

    It’s not as simple as you’re suggesting :)

  • Your question would be much better applied to height discrimination, which is something that’s almost never mentioned, but is a lot more indicative of the nature of discrimination itself.

    It is instinctual, as others have said, but it has nothing to do with tribalism or war, its about resources. Discrimination is almost always about resources (the notable exception being gender/orientation based discrimination, which I guess is religious?).

    The discrimination against small people (and obesity and age as well), is more basic, and likely older (in evolutionary terms), and is oriented towards hunting and fighting. We think less of smaller, fatter, and older people because they’re assumed to be less capable of gathering (and fighting for or defending) basic resources.

    Discrimination against races is more recent, and more societal, and is more about monetary resources, and isn’t even entirely a matter of race. Poor white people can be discriminated against in the exact same way for the exact same reasons. Racism is more classist than discrimination against height, weight age, etc. but is essentially still a matter of these classes being seen as less capable of getting resources.

    You can see it more easily if you look objectively at the discriminatory tendencies of women (and I mean that in a very generalized way). They tend to be far more discriminatory towards resource based biases… Height, weight, physical condition… They’re often inexplicably attracted to overly aggressive partners, occasionally to their own detriment. The more instinctual a woman is, the more likely to pursue the overly aggressive men. Race isn’t anywhere near as much a factor, and there are notable exceptions in all factors for women if a man obviously has a lot of resources already (no indictment intended ladies, just is what it is, and generally)

    And of course it’s more obvious among women for the same reason… The disparity (again, in a very general sense) between male and female in ability to gather and defend resources affects women’s choices of partners more so than men.

  • Ultimately, what I’m asking you is: why would I be opposed to a law that itself is 100% fine, just because the same legislators might later pass a different law that I don’t like?

    Ultimately because the basic premise of the law could (in general) be the basis for the government to remove our entire conversation here…

    It is potentially a tool to do this

    In 1984, the government rewrites history and uses a multitude of techniques that trick you into accepting things that are not true as being true.

    I don’t object for the sake of my my benefit, I object for the sake of yours (everyone).

    I see it a one degree increment on the proverbial frog in the proverbial pot, being slowly but surely brought to boil and it’s death, and I don’t really care who it affects in the moment.

  • No, were just apparently on very different wavelengths here (I’m totally fine with this personally, no animosity intended at all, I like discourse and you don’t seem like you’re being a dick about it, so we’re on friendly terms here from my perspective)

    Do you not think that government determination of what is or is not acceptable on “social media” (quotes because generalizing) is eerily similar to thoughtcrime? And an orwellian policy? Making a 1984 reference in its defense a little ironic?

    I realize I discounted the bulk of your comment and all the “logical fallacy” buzz phrases you threw in, but I generally consider that pedantry and responding to it would bring in bad vibes on my side, so I skipped it, sorry. I can engage it, but I won’t have anything to say on it worth reading, it’ll just be old guy bullshit…

  • Ok, well it was intended to be an opinion, so your assertion that I’m incorrect is incorrect because its my opinion, but that aside, which part?

    I reiterate that question because if your opinion is in direct opposition to mine, it is, in my opinion, the one I would most like to hear. I’m a moderate/centrist/libertarian(non-party) and I’d unironically and unsarcastically love to hear your opinion on it. Unless you’re just being a pedant, then I’ll listen and I respect your right to posit any pedantic objections, but I won’t really care much :)

  • content that incites violence or hate speech from social media.

    “They need to expeditiously remove content they are aware of if it is illegal.”

    If a social media platform does not comply with the new EU law it can be sanctioned with a hefty fine

    This essentially adds up to government proctorship of any “public forum” on the internet, including here… So if I randomly throw an “all lives matter” right here mid-comment, which while at face value is a ridiculously benign thing to say, can be and almost always is considered to be hate speech, lemmy is entirely obligated to immediately remove my comment or face heavy sanctions from the EU.

    It’s an extreme caricature of an example that I assume won’t go anywhere, but the point is that it could, and the deciding factor on that isn’t anyone here, the deciding factor is a bunch of rando EU officials… If some Karen in Wales in the right position decides she doesn’t like my comment, she could initiate a “hefty” fine against lemmy admins.

    It’s an absurd concept, and I don’t say that in the context of tuker Carlson (who I simply don’t give two shits about in any context), I say that in the context of us, as a “social media” community. We are subject to this proctorship, this censorship…

  • A couple chargers in a central spot, usable only by tenants, as an amenity like you’re describing, is likely viable with a small increase in all the rents, but that’s likely only viable for a decade or two.

    As EVs becomes the norm (and I’m assuming they will), it will become less and less viable. From a very simple economic perspective, you’d essentially be adding the fuel costs of a steadiy increasing portion of tenants to the monthly rent, and there isn’t any sort of commercial venture anywhere that’s simply going to accept that kind of a decrease in revenue.

    It’s all good if it’s a few tenants in a large complex, but as it scales up, the increase in utility costs (and specific to apartments, the costs of damages) is eventually going to drive it into “pay to play” per individual.

    The amenity spots wouldnt be all that likely to be unreasonable in terms of aggressive profit seeking, but once it goes to individual chargers per tenant, all bets are off. It’ll go from a feature to attract new tenants at the landlords expense, to being an individual expense, and an opportunity to “small additional fee” some profits…

  • ChargePoint, for example, offers a template letter to send to landlords and various charging options that can allow property managers to make a profit off the sales of electricity in the building.

    Article suggests this a solution, when the reality is that it’s the core problem of why renters don’t buy EVs as often.

    People know God damned well that if they don’t own their home, any sort of “support” they get is going to result in not just their paying for said support, but putting profit in a few pockets as well.

    You wanna charge your car at an apartment complex… No problem, just pay for the space, pay for the power, pay a markup for the charge point operator, pay a markup for the landlord, pay a markup for this, that, and whatever else we can think of…

  • I got a little jeep renegade that runs me like 350 a month…

    First time I put gas in it and realized it had a 12 gallon tank, I was all like “OMG, why?!?”. Then I drove 300 miles before the light came on and It made perfect sense :)

    Full tank doesn’t even get halfway to the $100 mark where you gotta reset the pump to fill it the rest of the way, ya know?

    500 a month could treat you a lot better at the gas pump.