
  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That’s decades of legacy for you…

    I bet each step/arrow/decision had a good reason at some point, but most of them probably back when computers lived in caves and hunted their tapes using spears and rocks.

    I feel like we’re slowly reaching a point where the complexity is collapsing in on itself - just look at the absolute chaos a modern web app is.

  • That is absolute nonsense. SUSE mostly serves large enterprise customers.

    And where do you think the people deciding what to buy get their information? Mind share is important.

    I’m pretty sure SUSE is bigger than Canonical.

    That’s actually surprising to me, but I’d argue that Suse offers more products, it seems like Rancher, Longhorn, etc. have no canonical equivalent.

  • And you really think, people who are willing and able to buy enterprise support for their Linux distro get confused by the naming? Sure, there’s that one confused dude, but you also have people asking Facebook where they left their keys.

    OpenSuse is essentially free marketing for SUSE, nobody would know them otherwise. Why would you give that away?

    Suse is not a huge company, it has neither a large enterprise backer nor any killer features, and its market share is relatively small compared to Red Hat or Canonical. Throwing away free marketing while alienating a relatively passionate community is a kind of brainrot only MBA can come up with.

  • Again, did you actually read the comments?

    Is SQL an API contract using JSON? I hardly think so.

    Java does not distinguish between null and non-existence within an API contract. Neither does Python. JS is the weird one here for having two different identifiers.

    Why are you so hellbent on proving something universal that doesn’t apply for the case specified above? Seriously, you’re the “well, ackshually” meme in person. You are unable or unwilling to distinguish between abstract and concrete. And that makes you pretty bad engineers.