• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • So it sounds like this is a profit-driven decision with auteur dramas in general just not being as profitable as action films or films that have some element of action.

    Kind of a radical idea, but I always wondered if the movie industry would do better with different pricing models. When people go to the movies nowadays it seems like its just a better deal over all to see something big budget (even though it may not be an especially good storyline). So maybe just so we can get more variety out of it, they price accordingly and see how the market reacts?

  • Great advice! One of my concerns are the unknown reactions she will have during such long travel. One of my cats for instance is a screamer during car rides and takes a while to settle down. Will def do the soft carrier and puppy pads and will see if I can get my mom onboard for some introductory leash training to help with the travel.

  • I’ve had nationwide pet insurance for about 6-7 years. $250 deductible, then 70% reimbursement, $7500 annual max. I used to pay $33 a cat per month, but it’s crept up to $58 a cat. Might be because they’re older now (6 & 7 years old), might be because I’ve used the crap out if the plan. Its still great though. Super easy to submit claims. One dental cleaning early in the year hits the deductible right away. Anything catastrophic and I’ll have a little bit of financial relief.

    One thing to note, as the other poster had mentioned - best to insure them at a younger age and before any vet diagnosis if possible. Before i had them covered took one cat in when she was 6 months old for some mild URI. Nationwide’s underwriters saw that record and considered it a preexisting condition. Under her policy she is uninsurable for any issue involving the sinus cavities. There is no Obamacare when it comes to pet insurance!!