Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.
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ah crazy, i made it work with Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS!
For some reason i had to unplug the PC before restarting. Then it got found as UEFI and could boot.
The full installation on the USB was a bit dirty, as i put the Live Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine and installed it from there. So i typed the full disk encryption and login passwords in Windows … but I wont be too paranoid about that one now 😅
ok, appreciate your time and insight. thanks!
seems to involve disabling secure boot, not happy with that. will cause more paranoia 😬
like i said, i tried mint, does not work from that stick, only tails works. what i want to achieve is not much:
Appreciate it a lot, thanks. What Distro would you recommend running from a USB?
Beside security concerns about stuff that I don’t understand, my only real needs are:
soon will be one year old.
yes and my pc too 😅
omg pls do digress! like i said, im reallly open to other distros.
did try other ports.
dont have another usb. i like this one cuz its fast and i dont want to buy a new one before being sure it will work.
Are you sure you need the UEFI mode and not the legacy BIOS mode?
im not. and i dont even understand that question 🙈
but the stick is new and should not be too bad:
mostly just abbreviations like
:*:ty-::Thank you very much
I know its possible in linux. but on windows in ahk it takes me seconds to add/remove/deactivate/activate them. and on a good working day do that maybe 20 to 50 times. and they are all in one single file.
i also use it for simple shortcuts or things like
:R*?:ddd:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, dd.MM.yy SendInput %CurrentDateTime% return
or stuff like search selected text in search engine X or Y; but if selected in program A, then use search engine Z or open program B and enter it there. but those are the most complicated ones i use and dont need quick changing.
id really like to use linux, but not before this is working. i dont understand how you linux people can live witout ahk.
could solve it: