I just want to remind everyone that those who call for war have never experienced it, and the closer you experience it, the less you want it.
I just want to remind everyone that those who call for war have never experienced it, and the closer you experience it, the less you want it.
Robert Evans is a bisexual Texas guy who decided he was going to report on war, so talked his way onto a military plane with other reporters as a stringer when Beirut was a place for barracks bombing. An experienced combat photographer took him under his wing and kept him alive. Evans has walked on concrete smelling the crushed dead from the collapsed structures. I know all this from memory (correct me if I messed anything up) because I researched his background a bit, because his “It Could Happen Here” podcast - about how a US civil war would go down - is very articulate and savvy, and I was curious how he gained that insight.
The only thing more articulate and savvy could possibly be the products and services that support his program. If you lurk on Lemmy, Robert, glad you’re here. Always wished I could hear a conversation between you and Robert Baer for a few hours… partially because I would expect only the best alcohol and other substances to be served in that room.
“It’s just a narcissist, sir. It’s narcissist-thin.”
Here’s a fun tidbit, I used to deal with ambulance billing. Most places would try to hang back on submitting their bills, because the first to submit would hit the insurance deductible, and it was unsure if that portion would be paid.
Flight services bill as quickly as possible, out of concern of hitting a billing cap, because after, say, $100,000 on a bill, some policies stop paying.
He might live in Phoenix.
That’s on purpose, the site asks not to be indexed. Oglaf is like cool sites in the 90’s, you had yo hear about them.
We’ll be doing oglaf.com soon at this rate.
Pure Socialism is a society where resources are shared as equally as possible across all participants. Resources are distributed as appropriately as possible to create what is needed, excess is distributed with as little waste as possible. Communism has a centralized body to distribute these resources.
I love finding an oglaf in the wild
Assuming we’re thinking of the same place, you have to deal with a large group of people who have been fooled, and are about to get very angry and need a target they can reach for their anger. Highlighting mid to high level members of their party leadership as the people to blame allows them to hold their great leader blameless, protecting their egos, while at the same time ripping down the pillars that prop up that same leader. Calling for new blood to support… whatever leader you’re talking about, and voting out “those idiots that aren’t giving him what he needs and so we all are suffering” allows the malleable followers to self destruct the party apparatus like ants eating away the bones of an elephant.
In college, this came down to me finally crossing the bridge to being an adult, and agreeing with myself that the alarm would go off, and I would wake up. When I went to sleep, how distracted I was at night, and why and when I was getting up were all on me, but I had to get up to the alarm. It changed my thinking knowing no magical parent was going to force me to get up. I either went to the morning class, or failed the class.
How hexbear of you.
DEA: “Oh nice, what address?”
You’re making double, dole that money out, at least part of it. I recommend off the cuff giving COL raises and improving health care a bit - improving family benefits seems to go over well. Tell everyone you know they’re working harder, and you want to recognize this. People will propose new machinery that care about the job… build a case for it and show them where you see the numbers in the long term.
Honestly the top 75% as an average is a good target. You want some all stars and you want some regular players. What’s really important is to have respect from top to bottom that everyone is important. An all-star is never a prima dona… the opposite in fact, because they’re paid more to lead and to improve and guide others.
There really is a risk, as an employer, that your employee makes so much money they want to work less. Which I solve by complimenting their work/life balance and this gets me hard workers that don’t burn out.
Sorry, I meant to say “no one wants yo work any more.” Apologies.
At least you got them all working together for a common cause. I mean, it’s a start.
Also, someone said hexbear without a trigger warning.
Oh yeah, what is Grimes up to?
It’s not often a woman breaks a man so badly he has to find a surrogate for his “x”