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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


    • App Store for iPhone
    • App Store for iPad
    • App Store for Apple Watch
    • App Store for Mac
    • App Store for Apple TV

    I guess if this gets argued correctly it means Apple could technically get away with not opening up the iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch to accept other stores (Mac already lets you install apps directly from developers). I can see this still letting Apple continue to have the stranglehold over their ecosystem.

    I doubt this will change much though. We all know the EU were specifically thinking about the iPhone which needs opening up.

  • GB is metric and it’s easy for us to remember. E.g. 1000 bytes = 1 Kilobyte, 1000 kilobytes = megabyte and so on.

    GiB is the binary value. In binary, you have to work in powers of 2. That is… the values double every time (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on…). 1024 bytes = 1 KiB, 1024 KiB = 1 MiB

    Since computers work in binary, and 1000 isn’t a number that’s easy to deal with in binary, we use the closest value available to us, 1024. In fact, back in the days when people were only concerned about KBs, they would say that 1000 KB = 1024 KiB.

    Of course, we’re now working with TBs rather than KBs. Everything ramps up including the amount of “missing” space an OS reports on a hard drive.

    I know windows tries to be helpful and shows you the value of a drive in GB, rather than its GiB value. Ever wonder why a 1TB hard drive appears as ~931GBs? This is why. Other OSes tend to show you the GiB value since that’s generally a lot more accurate.