• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2022


  • Yeah people act like squirrels behind the wheel its terrifying. Big part of why I stopped riding my motorcycle. There was this one intersection where everyday, without fail, a car would go through the light, get up to speed, look at there phone and drift onto the wrong side of the road. Everyday.

    So one day I’m sitting waiting to make a left and I can see the person across from me looking at their phone. Light doesn’t recognize my bike so I just gotta let it cycle before I go. Guy gets a green and starts driving without looking up. Just slowly drifting straight towards me. Eventually I hop off and just try to put the bike between me and the car and brace for impact. Guy looks up at the last second gives a little “teehee you caught me” smirk as he veers back into his lane.

    I have seen that exact smirk so many times. Its the exact same on everyone