They were trying to run it cracked through an alternative launcher.
They were trying to run it cracked through an alternative launcher.
It is one of the mecha Tux wallpapers that were made for the Nobara distro. I believe I just grabbed it from inside KDE, but it has been a while.
It is one of the mecha Tux wallpapers that were made for the Nobara distro. I believe I just grabbed it from inside KDE, but it has been a while.
Yep. That’s the monitor screen - last legs at best. At the point where distro hopping is impossible because the main screen is unusable and I can’t even use GRUB anymore.
I admit that I screwed up somehow. I got eager and followed an old search result. Not sure how to fix that or if it is worth it.
I actually don’t know. It was a one and done snap install.
No P2P with free Proton.
It isn’t that I am unwilling to pay. I am incapable.
This is a step forward, but actually using DistroBox is confusing. I’m at the low end of an intermediate user here and don’t see a direct way to get the .deb pkg.
Nothing specific right now. I’m just trying to get some protection. I’ll do what it takes!
Yeah, no. As soon as I looked into this it requires subscription. Also, the GUI is suspiciously old. Like GNOME from 15+ years ago old.
Maybe I’m blind, maybe it’s me viewing this on a phone, but I legitimately can’t tell the difference.
Interesting. Our K-Mart only had the K-Mart snack bar. I remember eating hot dogs there as a kid.
The only ones I have ever been in were just a counter and a clearly visible kitchen behind it with no walls separating them.
A conveyor would make the most sense.
Things like this are why I am mostly glad to still be using xbmc on my original hacked Xbox. Not much space and I have to deal with FTP, but it still works a treat.
I’m not defending this, but this is an extremely common practice in the US.
You forgot the pop-ups, forced midi music, easily injected malware, difficulty in verifying sources, html frames that frequently broke, the entire concept of needing a site map, fucking keywords, true banner ads that could force clicks with Javascript, and RealPlayer to name a few. I don’t miss it at all.
Yeah, including that was an odd choice. That made it clear that the author doesn’t know the target audience for this project. I would wager that the vast majority of modern gamers would give up on it in minutes.
My state has that as well, but you are still required to carry a physical license if you are driving, same with car insurance info on paper. It doesn’t solve much of a problem since that is the case.