Chris Hansen on speed dial
And popcorn
Chris Hansen on speed dial
And popcorn
I had a dual boot machine for a year or so when i first used linux. Never actually went into windows the whole time
Back in the very early 2000s my dad went back to college. There he learne c++ but he also leatned that a great programer makes the program work ans keeps it small. Even bavk his teacher was complianing about newer programs taking up more and more ram.
You dont have to be an expert, i barely know anything about the kinux cli but i still use linux daily
Yes, not using ai is the guardrail
Really shows the difference between Knowing how to work with, and how it works
I wonder how long until all the distros have this.
Tried it doesn’t always work
Well not in texas the execute the mentally disabled anyway
I didn’t want to have spyware for an os.
As someone insecure in their masculinity I don’t know if u would use ladybird. Now if it was MANbird I would.
Well if they recorded and student jerking it then the school made cp and. I doubt theor is a limitation on that.
So tldr start with a dual boot machine
Wrll you have to use a pixel phone to use graphene os
That why we should adopt my ipv12. Its three levels of addresses rach 512 bit longs. One for host one for network and one what ever the heel else need. Planet that’s it we asogn each planet a 512 bit address
Oh god that brings back memories. Reallying dumb ones of people but memories none the less
You eXcrete on X
Well some llm have been caught wirh cp in their training data
Well actually in many states 17 year olds can vote if thecturn 18 latter in November