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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • My movies? What?

    I’m not upset about anything. I’m simply pointing out that the assertion that all movies today are dogshit shows you are either ignorant to all the quality movies being produced and the history of cinema in general, or your expectations are ludicrously high. In either case, you’re contribution to the discussion is worthless. Or, to put it in your terms: your words are dogshit.

    There have always been shitty movies. That’s not to say that there have ONLY been shitty movies.

    There are good movies being produced, and with the entirety of human culture at your fingertips, if all you are seeing is dogshit that’s entirely your fault.

  • It would only be ironic if god and heaven were real. Otherwise those duplicitous fucks go to their graves never knowing true retribution. My only hope is that they die with the uncertainty of not knowing, and their last few moments of lucidity are spent in internal existential angst.

  • The mall pictured in the article, Rolling Acres Mall in Akron OH, was the largest of three indoor shopping malls in the greater Akron area. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Akron, but we didn’t need three goddamn indoor shopping malls. We’re down to just one now, which seems appropriate.