• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is the problem with spending millions of dollars on games and focusing on profitability over actual quality or expression. Video games are fundamentally an art medium. You can choose to make some uninspired cash grabbing trash, and can even make a whole company built around that and make profit. But are you going to make a great game that way? Probably not.

    You’d be better off with half a dozen people with passion and a comparatively minuscule budget. You might have to scale back from ultra realistic graphics and massive explorable areas with dozens of voice actors, but I don’t really think that makes games any better anyway. A little 2d rpg with really basic pixel graphics can put a big project to shame if it’s made with passion and emotion.

  • That’s because they’re not leftists. Most of the tankies on Lemmy probably aren’t. I’m sure some of them are people who get swept up in the tide of favoring mockery over patience and compassion while actually believing leftist political positions, but it’s pretty clear what the bulk of them are doing.

    They’re corporate or authoritarian government plants trying to break the coalition of left and center. They’re doing everything they can to make both look unreasonable and unhinged in the eyes of the other. Demotivating leftists from endorsing centrists who lean their way, while making centrists feel targeted and derided by the left.

    It’s way easier to break coalitions and sew chaos than it is to drive engagement and unity. It literally takes less thinking, less precision, and less strategy.

  • Fuck it, I’ll bite. Y’all are obsessed with Old Testament ceremonial law. You’re basically Pharisees. The only mention of anything remotely approaching anything we’d lump under the queer umbrella in the New Testament is when Paul is describing how the Romans are different from the Hebrews and happens to mention the sexual nature of some of the relationships common between Roman men. It’s a discussion of contrast, not a condemnation.

    Let’s look at Jesus’ track record, shall we?

    Here’s a guy who famously has no patience for the status quo or for authoritarian hierarchy. He literally says he came with a flaming sword and his opponents were the people in charge who were obsessed with meaningless rules and deference to corrupt power. To put it in Buddhist terms, he was trying to shake up the tendency to stare mindlessly at the finger instead of looking at the moon. I know; just Google it.

    Dude was a proto-anarchist. He would have had zero patience for your hand wringing about people wearing clothes that you don’t like. He probably would be in this thread giving you shit if he wasn’t too busy with feet on the ground trying to shake down the establishment.

    I have never understood how y’all are so into this guy who’s about radical autonomy and acceptance and universal love and forgiveness and yet you seem to entirely miss the plot and literally laser focus on the rules used in the same story to justify nailing him to piece of wood.

    Jesus would probably be at a drag show. Just not one for rich tourists who care more about spectacle than the negative impact of the Olympics on literally every host city.

    He’d be condemning bigotry, not standing beside it.

  • Yeah! Everybody knows Jesus didn’t hang out with the people society rejected and denigrated! He certainly wasn’t hanging out with prostitutes or poor people or outcasts! He was all about maintaining the social order and keeping the Pharisees happy! That’s why he was nice enough to help the money changers set back up in the temple after some whack job came in and tossed their tables all over the place!

    Next you’ll start in on some leftist propaganda about how people deserve to eat and have medical care. You think Jesus would, what, hand you some fish and bread and heal your leprosy? You better be able to pay! Inns ain’t cheap around here!

    I did hear of a pretty reliable source of silver, though…

  • Are you maybe a privateer?

    Privateers tended to obey a sovereign government and do all the pirate things, but directed it against the enemies of the country they were under the flag of rather than just at whoever. Privateers would sometimes become pirates, though. Basically, they’d just keep doing the same job, but for themselves.

    The distinction is largely one of who gets to make the rules and do the finger pointing.